Anonymous ID: 6a73f0 March 25, 2020, 9:54 p.m. No.8568194   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8240 >>8263


Porn-kvetching is really the perfect slide, because so much of the psyche connects back to fucking.


Biblefags will feel compelled to tut-tut. The pizzagate set thinks that every single erotic image ever made which isn't granny porn is CP, or a victim of trafficking. The people obsessed with trannies will squawk about how math "proves" that the thot really has a cock… and on and on, endlessly. And the worst part is, all (who aren't shills themselves) are responding to it as a sort of compulsion–even us reasonfags who are just trying to stop the slide–because it touches on deep primordial shit and whatnot. Easy to manipulate.


This is one of their greatest weapons–they can't seem to divide us in the lofty realms of logic and reason, because we are right, but as soon as they insert a single shill post whining about dirty pictures we're suddenly at each others' throats for an entire fucking bread. Do not enable them.


TL;DR: enjoy the quim, or scroll past it. But do not fucking enable slides.