Thanks baker.
It was this:
“the CHINA virus”
Worth remembering:
Wuhan Institute of Virology [geo location]?
[1st biosafety lvl 4 lab – 2015]
City/Province origin – hot zone [geo location]?
“Unbeknownst to Harvard University beginning in 2011, Lieber became a “Strategic Scientist” at [Wuhan] University of Technology (WUT) in China and was a contractual participant in China’s Thousand Talents Plan from in or about 2012 to 2017.”
[rapid spread]
>End POTUS rally(s)?
>End POTUS econ gains?
>End POTUS unemployment gains?
>End POTUS [A, B, C, D, ……]?
[weaken prior to P_elec?]
>Delay US/China trade negotiations?
[China pref Biden[+VP] as P?]
>Shelter [Biden] public appearances?
>Shelter [Biden] debate(s)?
>Push new/revised P_2020 > vote by mail? [unsecure]
>Push [D] ‘wish list’ [unrelated] items CV Bill [voting amends]?
What is the mathematical probability this occurs [the ‘time bomb’ explodes] at the exact point in time that allows for maximum damage [above] prior to the P_elec?
Outside of standard deviation?
[Mueller failed]
[Impeachment failed]
>Why was it critically important impeachment be rushed in the House?
[MSM[D party]/Hollywood narrative(s) failed]
[D] party leading nominee established [super T] prior to lock-down [take-over]? [Sanders ELIM_Biden_FRONT]
Occam's razor simply states that of any given set of explanations for an event occurring, the simplest one is most likely the correct one.
There's a shit load of news. When it's slower with news, more anons post original content and more digs and graphics get noticed.
Frenly reminder to check the FOX news live tweets for being accounts with Q shit in the bio or handle.
I've missed a lot but try to look up some.
Wait really? Is that why so much nonsense is in notables??
I mean, checked btw, that the script highlights things posts that are replied with "notable", but that doesn't mean they're all notable. Freddy nominates a bunch of bunch shit for example.
I don't think they're putting anything that's marked notable, but that could result in a lot of missed stuff if someone doesn't explicitly say "notable", which happens often. Glad anons are trying to learn to bake and bake though so it's whatever I guess.
Pic unrelated.
Shut up.
I'm going to get drunk as fuck for that and laugh my ass off for the duration of Biden's pathetic and what will seem sad attempt to match Trump.
This is where it came from:
>The Katie Halper Show takes a humorous look at the news, politics, pop culture, and the arts through news segments and conversations with writers, journalists, activists, artists and political comedians.
Actually kinda interesting. Made it to the daily wire:
Woman Accuses Joe Biden Of Sexual Assault
On Wednesday morning, journalist and podcaster Katie Harper released an audio clip of an interview with Tara Reade, a former staff assistant to Joe Biden, in which Reade claims that Biden sexually assaulted her in 1993.
The story begins with Reade being instructed to rush a gym bag to Biden. Upon reaching then-Senator Biden with the bag, Reade claims that he greeted her by name, and proceeded to sexually assault her in a “side area.”
“We were alone, and it was the strangest thing. There was no, like, exchange really, he just had me up against the wall,” Reade claims.
“His hands were on me, and underneath my clothes,” Reade later says. “He went down my skirt, but then up inside. He penetrated me with his fingers.”
Reade alleges that Biden was kissing her and asking her if she “wanted to go somewhere else,” and that after the alleged assault was complete, he said, “C’mon man, I heard you liked me.”
It's a much longer article.
>Tara Reade is an American actress, poet, and writer based in California. She was a former intern for Leon Panetta and a former Senate aide for Joe Biden in 1993.
>In April 2019, Reade accused former Vice President Joe Biden of inappropriate behavior when she worked at his Senate office in 1993. In March 2020 in an interview with Katie Harper, she accused Joe Biden of sexual assault.
Definitely didn't hear about this in 2019.
Seems legit. True Pundit is sometimes really hard to back up which is why I always check their articles, especially because they allege some big stuff sometimes.
Not the best practice to add your own posts as a baker into notables unless it's sauce or something like that. Just saying.