[blah].<kingthe <knews>
<be>.hold a [p]<ale<whore>[s]
steigh [w]<healthy>
[in]<stallstay<bull> mark.<it>
mark.<itpry.[cess] four eh <toil>[let] b<owl> b<rush>
the <quest><ionis w[hat] the | hell |
may<beeit is a differ<ant> in.<sect> or <kin>[d] of any.mall lik<e> a <jel>lee[fish]
<h>.[earth] [cue]<ache>
the zoo.all.<o>.[gist] <thin>k sum.<thing[st]<range>
just joy.king
hoo no.[s] real.lee
fa<k>e.<boo>[k] comm<me>
moe<foeb<ankhs> on <da><ta>
the <sig>n[s] are t.[hair]
<spay>[c] is new.tour.<ed>
i due the <t>[hinges] i due
u due the <t>[hinges] u due
we are all <due><wingdiffer[ant] <t>hinges
<stew><pi>[d] b<you>llsh|t
comm<pile[con]<sol>.a.date <sir><cue><late>
[g]<rowin a row
sum.<timesdi<vie>[d] pro.<duct>
eye con<cure>
of.fish.all [k]<night<shy>[f]<t>
faux knews
rush.in eye<mageb<hoard>
ware is the row.man.<i>[an]
moor cue-bell
tray[d] cure.[rent].<seatwo get r<itch>
<dr>[ink] an<tee><free>[z]
just joy.king
do<notdue [t]hat
u mite dye b<loo>
<re><ed<why>[t] & b<loo>
f<rumsee to <shy>[n]<in'> see
<i><t<i><s> all <a> hall.o.<gram>
<thei de.<sieves> u