For a twist, there are board games where instead of competing against one another, players must cooperate in order to win. That goes along with the Great Awakening. Forbidden Island is one. Internet search will get you more titles.
Pilotfag checking in: Good evening anons. Thank you for flying Q Air. We are non-stop tonight on our way to the Great Awakening. We will experience some slight turbulence. Reports of heavy shilling will make things a little bumpy but nothing to be concerned about. This is the 888 model or 'trip-8' as we pilotfags call it. We can achieve cruising altitude in less time than it takes Freddy to shit the bread. Fortunately, there's no gimp access so Hot Wheels can suck it and dumbanons can't find the gate anyway. So sit back and enjoy your flight. The best is yet to come!