Anonymous ID: 804cf3 March 25, 2020, 9:46 p.m. No.8568107   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Dr. Ben Carson: Plasma transfusion coronavirus treatment being tested by New York looks 'promising'


Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson told "The Story" Wednesday that there is promise in a new therapy to fight the coronavirus contagion. Earlier this week, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced plans for a medical trial in which blood plasma from recovered coronavirus patients would be collected and injected into patients being treated for the virus, in hopes that the antibodies in the donor's plasma would help the host fight the infection. "It is promising [and] the concept actually makes a lot of sense," Carson told host Martha MacCallum.


Carson said the practice worked well during the 1918 Spanish Flu epidemic as well as in the smaller-scale SARS outbreak in 2002. "It cut down on the severity and the duration of symptoms," he said. "If you had it and you've gotten over that, then obviously your immune system has kicked in and you have some significant antibodies against the viral antigen and those tend to last much longer than the antigen does," Carson said. "Therefore, if you can transfer that – that's going to require significant coordination with the blood banks because they have to type the plasma and various things like that – we should be able to get some very quick results."


Carson also praised the Food & Drug Administration, which under the direction of Commissioner Stephen Hahn has been doing "a yeoman's job" throughout the epidemic. "There are more than 100 different therapies being looked at right now [by the FDA]. I think we are going to come up with something."

Anonymous ID: 804cf3 March 25, 2020, 9:58 p.m. No.8568235   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8303 >>8368

Robert Levinson, retired FBI agent, presumed dead in Iranian custody over a decade after disappearance


Robert Levinson, a retired FBI agent and private investigator who disappeared from an Iranian island in 2007, is believed to have died in Iranian custody, his family revealed in a statement Wednesday. The statement said U.S. officials agreed with the family's conclusion, adding: "We don't know when or how he died, only that it was prior to the COVID-19 pandemic." President Trump said he had not been told that Levinson is dead but said "he wasn't well for years in Iran. "He's been sick for a long time, and he had some rough problems prior to his detainment or capture," Trump said, adding that Levinson "was a great gentleman."


Levinson was the longest-held hostage in U.S. history, and his family had fought for over a decade for his safe return, blaming the Iranian regime for his capture and imprisonment. Levinson was 58 when he traveled to Kish Island, Iran, in 2007 working as a private investigator. He reportedly was taking part in an unauthorized CIA mission. Upon his arrival, Levinson was said to have met with an American fugitive – Dawud Salahuddin – targeted by the CIA for recruitment, a source close to the Levinson case told Fox News in 2016. Salahuddin was wanted by the CIA for allegedly murdering an Iranian diplomat in Maryland in 1980, and Levinson hoped the mission to deliver him to the agency would secure him full-time employment with the CIA, the source told Fox News at the time. Shortly afterward, Levinson disappeared, but Iran repeatedly denied capturing him or knowing of his whereabouts.


National Security Adviser Robert C. O’Brien said in a statement: “As President Trump said today, Iran must provide a complete accounting of what occurred with Bob Levinson before the United States can fully accept what happened in this case. While the investigation is ongoing, we believe that Bob Levinson may have passed away some time ago. The United States calls upon Iran to release all Americans who remain wrongfully detained in that country. The safe return of all Americans held hostage or wrongfully detained overseas remains a top priority of the Trump administration.” "It has been 13 years waiting for answers. Thirteen years since we last saw him or had any contact with him," Levinson's family wrote in a Facebook post. "How those responsible in Iran could do this to a human being, while repeatedly lying to the world all this time, is incomprehensible to us. They kidnapped a foreign citizen and denied him any basic human rights, and his blood is on their hands." The post continued, "Bob Levinson should have spent his last moments surrounded by his family and all the love we feel for him. Instead, he died alone, in captivity thousands of miles away, in unbelievable suffering. His body has not yet been returned to us for a proper burial. We don't even know when, or even if, his body would be returned to us. This is the very definition of cruelty." The family thanked President Trump and U.S. officials for their efforts to find Levinson. "We will miss his warmth, humor, and wisdom, but most of all, we will miss the deep and unconditional love he had for each one of us. He will never be forgotten - we will make sure of it."


In 2011, a photo of Levinson dressed in an orange jumpsuit surfaced, indicating he was alive. In November, Iran acknowledged for the first time in a filing with the United Nations that there was an “ongoing case” in the Public Prosecution and Revolutionary Court of Tehran for Levinson, despite having previously denied knowing about his whereabouts. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, in an attempt to get Iran to release several U.S. hostages, offered a $25 million reward for information leading to Levinson's recovery and return but to no avail. Levinson's relatives said they "expect American officials, as well as officials around the world, to continue to press Iran to seek Bob's return, and to ensure those Iranian officials involved are held accountable."

Anonymous ID: 804cf3 March 25, 2020, 10:04 p.m. No.8568285   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Pentagon orders a stop-movement for all overseas troops


Rare move intended to halt spread of coronavirus over next 60 days.


The Pentagon on Wednesday issued a stop-movement order for all overseas military personnel and civilians for the next 60 days. The measure, designed to prevent the spread of the coronavirus pandemic, follows a previous order that puts a hold on troop movements within the United States. The newly issued order is meant to protect U.S. personnel, and preserve operational readiness, the Pentagon said.


The order will interrupt scheduled exercises, deployments, and other overseas activities. "Approximately 90,000 Service Members slated to deploy or deploy over the next 60 days will likely be impacted by this stop movement order,” the statement read. The order includes exceptions for some personnel, including those who currently are traveling. The order is not expected to interfere with the drawdown of U.S. forces from Afghanistan, according to the statement.

Anonymous ID: 804cf3 March 25, 2020, 10:17 p.m. No.8568407   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8590

DC Wireless Alert Sent Through FEMA Orders Residents to Stay Home, All ‘Non-Essential’ Businesses Closed for A MONTH


On Wednesday at 8 pm, the District of Columbia issued a Wireless Emergency Alert through FEMA’s Integrated Public Alert and Warning System ordering DC residents to stay home until April 24.

DC Wireless Alert Sent Through FEMA Orders Residents to Stay Home, All ‘Non-Essential’ Businesses Closed for A MONTH

Avatar by Cassandra Fairbanks March 25, 2020 158 Comments


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On Wednesday at 8 pm, the District of Columbia issued a Wireless Emergency Alert through FEMA’s Integrated Public Alert and Warning System ordering DC residents to stay home until April 24. The alert said that all non-essential businesses will be closed down effective at 10 p.m.


The alert began and concluded with “STAY HOME,” in all capital letters. “STAY HOME. You have a critical role to play in stopping the spread of COVID-19 in DC. Effective at 10 pm tonight (Wednesday, March 25), the District of Columbia will close all non-essential businesses through Friday, April 24. We are depending on you – be a good neighbor, STAY HOME,” the message said.


It also linked to a website that translated the order into multiple languages. The website also had a list of businesses that can remain open, as well as ones that are ordered closed. Businesses that will stay open include automotive repair and supply shops, banks and credit unions, bike shops, childcare facilities, grocery stores, liquor stores, convenience stores, hospitals, dentists, pharmacies and veterinarians and animal care services. Those forced to close their doors include gyms, health clubs, spas, salons, tattoo parlors, clothing stores, theaters, auditoriums, and nightclubs. Restaurants, bars and other food services are also closed unless they are offering delivery or grab-and-go carryout. It is unclear if the city plans to prevent people from attending Easter Sunday services, which many have complained would potentially be a violation of the First Amendment.

Anonymous ID: 804cf3 March 25, 2020, 10:21 p.m. No.8568433   🗄️.is 🔗kun



1.They are quoted in the original article, don't be as lazy fag…look for yourself.


  1. Most anons just want the quick highlights. If you can discern for's moar a personal problem that belongs to YOU.