thanks bakereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
Code Porch, tell JIMBO fox news just said Beards and Mustaches carry germs and shave the STAT due to WUHU VIRUS!!! and you have to shave that peachfuzz you have on your twatter pic!
she was doing speaking tours on college campuses for womens rights and bullshit causes. How can anyone explain him handling her like this? Whole #metoo movement not a peep from her.
it is a clothes fitting. She is trying on clothes and then they view how they look in them with the pics.
is that mold in her ass? yellow square most likely a birthmark. But two red squares???
i concur niggerfag.
here is a proper daywalker for you friend-o!
that poor girl!!!! no flame!
she did OK. she was basically a real life superhero!
i read on here a few breads ago the reason they are inhumane to cows and pigs is the meat becomes infused with adrenalin filled blood. scary shit.
the mapcount is actually showing China is full of shit. We are going to pass Italy's infected # in 2 days with our ramped up testing, with a much lower death count. Once everyone is tested who thinks they are ill in 8 days the whole public will want all the sheep to start to be responsible for themselves. I think that is what the Military ultimately wanted from this exercise. freeing the world from Usury:
Banks losses from their interest gambling scam. 35 trillion from the FED.
Brexit collapsing the already failing Euro. ECB holding the bag.
Italy, Spain and Germany soon to join the bye bye.
Saudi tanking oil, oh the ironing, and Russia joining in.
All the zionits and their puppets in USA grasping for straws or following a script due their soon demise.
POTUS victory parade 2020!!!