Time and Space is an illusion of this worldly prison. Meanwhile, the spirit world moves through time the same way we might travel across town. And my guess is that, through the ages, the dark spirits gave the satanists secrets about the future which satanists selfishly used against humanity. Today, however, "time travel" is being used by white hats to fulfill God's loving plan. Angels are on our side now, and we have the gift of foresight. Project Looking Glass.
The latest Q drop highlights a 2007 article about the Wuhan Virus time bomb, and Q's own words ask, "What is the mathematical probability this occurs [the ‘time bomb’ explodes] at the exact point in time that allows for maximum damage [above] prior to the P_elec?"
Now, the satanists may have held such bio weapons in their aresenal until such time as they needed it, but it does make me wonder if they knew even back in 2007 that they would need it in this spiritual war. And they may have even known to some degree when they'd need it. It's failing them, obviously, but I still wonder if they planned it quite a long time ago.
Which then reminds me of Rita Wilson's recent tweet where she gives out her phone number and tells her cult followers to text her to find out "some things that haven't happened yet." Almost advertising her dark magic to foresee the future. But her black magic, and the black magic of all the satanists doesn't work the way it used to. It's backfiring on them. The tables have turned. Or is that the worm?