I think it's to prevent more abductions, prevent false flags and also to prevent spread of whatever it is that's going around now.
Take apple cider vinegar and zinc. Zinc represses viruses and acv kills them. Also get some sun as vitamin D will help cure.
You're welcome fren. Also, if zinc is sold out in your area I've been able to find it online and if that isn't an option it can be found in high concentrations in shellfish such as oysters which contain the highest.
If you can't find acv, balsamic vinegar has about the same % of acetic acid which is about 4%. This can be a good substitute.
May the Lord bless your children with quick healing. We are with you.
If kept in the fridge I think it is fine. Not sure if at room temp. I believe it is but please look it up just to be sure.
"Re-elect Donald Trump…I am Joe Biden and I approve this message."
This right here anon. Legit thoughts. Now give us your .02 on who might be Snow White.
I'm assuming that's a link to Biden accidentally (or was it) endorsing POTUS which is why I said it. kek
I think he will fall asleep during the debates kek