I wonder what the Pearls Before Swine artist's stance is…
dafuq is an e-clause???
be weird if they didn't, I guess.
Startin' to think this is a Sovereign Citizen thing…
"E-Clause is a fraud!"
"The Children's Crusade Fraud"
dafuq is this???
E Clause LLC Explained
This breaks down what E~Clause is… starts off with mug shots!
Always a good sign.
Ord ad Chao ad Ordo
meh. save yourself the trouble and just retort with cuck-shit.
I assume you're turned on now.
I'm starting to think that the Harley Quinn series was done by the Venture Bros team, but they're able to use the characters (at least DC) that they want instead of having to make references all the time.
Back to work when you're done with your break.
So you want… what… fuckable trees or something?
^^^ ding ding ding
preeeeetty sure you're just autistic and this ain'tcher first rodeo…