There is no such thing as Chloroquine
You are a fucking idiot.
The substance used for Malaria is Chloroquine PHOSPHATE
The Phosphate should warn you that it is a DETERGENT which is why it is also used as aquarium cleaner. And after the Tide Pods fiasco you should realize that eating detergent is a BAD IDEA because it is a poison. So if you are going to take it for Malaria then you better get a doctor's advice and stick to it closely.
WebMD says this about
Chloroquine Phosphate
Chloroquine is used to prevent or treat malaria caused by mosquito bites in countries where malaria is common. Malaria parasites can enter the body through these mosquito bites, and then live in body tissues such as red blood cells or the liver. This medication is used to kill the malaria parasites living inside red blood cells. In some cases, you may need to take a different medication (such as primaquine) to kill the malaria parasites living in other body tissues. Both drugs may be needed for a complete cure and to prevent the return of infection (relapse). Chloroquine belongs to a class of drugs known as antimalarials.
The United States Centers for Disease Control provide updated guidelines and travel recommendations for the prevention and treatment of malaria in different parts of the world. Discuss the most recent information with your doctor before traveling to areas where malaria occurs.
Chloroquine is also used to treat infection caused by a different type of parasite (ameba) by killing the ameba.
How to use Chloroquine Phosphate
Take this medication by mouth, usually with food to prevent stomach upset, exactly as directed by your doctor. Daily or weekly dosing, dosage amount, and length of treatment are based on your medical condition, on whether you are preventing or treating the illness, and your response to treatment. The dosage in children is also based on weight.
To prevent malaria, take chloroquine once weekly on the same day each week, or as directed by your doctor. Start this medication usually 1 to 2 weeks before you enter the malarious area, continue to take it weekly while in the area, and weekly for 4 to 8 weeks after leaving the area, or as directed by your doctor. Mark your calendar or travel schedule with a reminder to help you remember.
To treat malaria infection or an ameba infection, follow your doctor's instructions.
Take this medication 4 hours before or after taking a certain drug for diarrhea (kaolin) or taking antacids (such as magnesium/aluminum hydroxide). These products may bind with chloroquine, preventing your body from fully absorbing the drug.
It is very important to continue taking this medication exactly as prescribed by your doctor. Do not take more or less of this drug than prescribed. Do not stop taking it before completing treatment, even if you feel better, unless directed to do so by your doctor. Skipping or changing your dose without approval from your doctor may cause prevention/treatment to be ineffective, cause the amount of parasite to increase, make the infection more difficult to treat (resistant), or worsen side effects.
It is important to prevent mosquito bites (such as by using appropriate insect repellents, wearing clothes that cover most of the body, remaining in air-conditioned or well-screened areas, using mosquito nets and insect-killing spray). Buy insect repellent before traveling. The most effective insect repellents contain diethyltoluamide (DEET). Ask your doctor or pharmacist to recommend the appropriate strengths of mosquito repellent for you/your children.
No drug treatment is completely effective in preventing malaria. Therefore, seek immediate medical attention if you develop symptoms of malaria (such as fever, chills, headache, other flu-like symptoms), especially while in the malarious area and for 2 months after completing this prescription. Quick treatment of malaria infection is needed to prevent serious, possibly fatal, outcomes.
When using chloroquine for treatment of malaria, tell your doctor if your condition persists or worsens.
Talk to people.
Ask them if they think this is all about a virus.
If they think maybe not, then suggest that Trump has always been close to conspiracy theorists
What if one of those conspiracy theories about a hidden enemy is correct?
That leads to noticing all the ECONOMIC support
And you can talk about the Fed, and privately owned central banks
Sucking the profit out of the country.
Believe me
Garments do not affect lusting.
Take this mermaid for instance
Even the expression on her face does not affect the lusting.
Caption translatedโฆ
==Petrovna, you c*nt! Why is your brigade working without gloves???
I'm lusting at her figuring out how to get her to crack a smile.
You just know that everyone is at home
Making babies right now!
And that means that this Christmas
Will see lots of living squealing presents
In families across the nation.
There is a reason for that.
Read the papers. All the research papers on these topics are now freely available. They stopped charging for them.
This is why Q told us to prepare to store stuff offline
Meaning on thumbdrives and portable hard drives that are powered off and not connected to an online computer.
Here is the paper attached as PDF
Collect all these research papers and store them offline.
The time is NOW!!!
And the drug in question is Chloroquine phosphate which is also a detergent and is POISONOUS. Should only be used under supervision of a physician according to the physician's instructions, which with POISON, often includes body mass calculation to determine dosage. Only fucking idiots try this stuff on their own.
Herbs and vitamins are one thing. They are food and generally safe.
But self dosing with unknown chemicals is pure idiocy.
Of course that case where the guy died from aquarium cleaner may have been a murder. Did the wife know enough to take a small dosage that would only make her puke, thus reducing the effect further?
That is not the point. Pubmed only has some of the research. Lots of other journals are pay only and pubmed only has abstracts if that.
Don't search pubmed!
Either search google in its entirety
Or use Google scholar to search all journals.
Get the full picture.
And go back to old stuff from when quinine was first discovered, and from the early 20th century leading up to the Spanish flu.
What has been ignored because it was not lucrative enough?
You mean Artemisia annua, a Chinese mugwort that some people in North America grow as a medicinal herb.
And if you are talking about this kind of research,
That is not about Sweet Wormwood!
That is about a drug called Artemisinin that happens to be extracted from Artemisia annua which means that it is CONCENTRATED. It is not the same as the herb and will have different medicinal effects from the herb.
If you want to test the herb, then test that.
If you want to test an extract, go ahead, but do not make any claims about the herb based on what the extract does.
Put it this way. Do you like to put sugar in your coffee?
Instead of sugar, would you use grated sugar beets? Probably not because it would not taste very nice.
Fuck off you pompous ass.
Nobody is interested in your research.
There are plenty of medical researchers already trawling the literature looking for promising treatments based on the biochemistry and the metabolic pathways.
This one then