Just throwing it into the hive…
Maybe why Skipper told us ‘you will laugh’ when we find out who exposed Hweird …
…because it’s someone(s) that has been badmouthing POTUS as cover/distancing
Just saying. It’s logical thinking.
Just throwing it into the hive…
Maybe why Skipper told us ‘you will laugh’ when we find out who exposed Hweird …
…because it’s someone(s) that has been badmouthing POTUS as cover/distancing
Just saying. It’s logical thinking.
Two Trumps
Two Trumpets
Second Trumpet sounded
Just spitballing
Second marker
Phase two
Think mirror
The hand sanitizer on the desk
18 stars visible (666)
What the eff Is up with the brown paper bag!???!?
The Presidential Seal is behind Dan on the floor next to the bag leaning on the wall?