Anonymous ID: e7f401 March 25, 2020, 9:21 p.m. No.8567902   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7942 >>7979 >>7988 >>8005 >>8027 >>8083 >>8343

Folks are beginning to put two and two together. If there are things to do while we are all on lock-down for "another month", it would be prudent to figure out how to keep us engaged in something bigger than ourselves.


There are a lot of questions surfacing, and a lot of doubt. As in "I am not so sure this has to do with a virus…what the hell is this really about…?" The media is accosting everyone with tons and tons of crap every minute, likely in attempt to get us to "tune out" all communication. (BTW good job on the daily briefings guys!)


Can someone think of an interactive challenge or "game?" (that is safe) that folks can be involved in while they are literally on physical and spiritual restraints? An "occupation" or for lack of better term "preoccupation". Internet is fun, but can get really old really fast. It's like trying to swim on an ocean: waayy too much water, much of it full of sharks.


just a head's up. my college student is already calling B/S on the whole thing, although is willing to play along - for a good cause.


What I am saying is this: be careful, and be aware that most people try to reason things out, and in many cases we get a lot of faulty "connections" due to lack of accurate data. The natives are getting restless and they are talking crap.


Godspeed Patriots. I trust you have something up your sleeves for this national (and world wide) need for individual and collective engagement. The time is almost ripe for big things habbening.