Greetings, I am from the National Socialist / Esoteric parts of the internet and I seem to have wandered in here accidentally. Can any of you give me a quick rundown on what this is all about? I saw some of your posts years ago when the original 8ch was in full swing and I'd visit there, I'm surprised at how active you all are here.
Yes, I said in my post I wandered in here and I'm curious what this is all about. How can you all be patriotic when this country was built on freemasonry? Or that Trump took flights on the Lolita Express? Or the trips to the wailing wall?
I do very much appreciate your research on the cannibalistic practices of the elite.
Would you at least try to address the content of my post? Or is this one of those 'it doesn't matter if my grandchildren are brown' groups, and being a National Socialist is taboo?