Did Madonna mention Leonard Guerente, human longevity researcher and health supplement supplier?
On 23 March Madonna vlogged “Quarantine Diaries #4” on Facebook, https://facebook.com/madonna/posts/10158188233744402. One theme of the vlog was dietary remedies for pain.
Several Anons expressed suspicion that she included secret coded messages. See e.g. https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/8557810.html#8558300.
She lists the names of her favourite painters. One name sounds like “Leonard Guerente”. See transcript at https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/8558598.html#8559344.
There is a Professor Leonard Guerente who is a leading researcher into metabolic means of increasing human longevity, https://www.elysiumhealth.com/en-us/science/about-elysium/leonard-guarente. He founded the company Elysium which sells expensive dietary supplements by monthly subscription.
Could Elysium be supplying specialised anti-aging dietary supplements to satanist elites suffering withdrawal symptoms from lack of blood or adrenochrome?
I expect the answers is “no”, but as Q has written HUNDREDS of times, “There are no coincidences”, so Elysium might be worth looking into.
Alternatively, this is idea is open to easy falsification — just identify the cubist, surrealist, or jazz musician Madonna referred to whose name sounds like “Leonard Guerente”.