Anonymous ID: a4bdba March 25, 2020, 11:27 p.m. No.8568928   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8940 >>8997 >>9029 >>9091 >>9140 >>9158


Edited re-post of another anon’s recent work. Original: >8543923


It still amazes me just how accurate and future-preparing President Trump was in January 2017 when he replied to a question about those against him, the scum-of-the-nation: "Never interfere with an enemy while they are destroying themselves."


With every mention of the Trump card I can see only one Trump card that President Trump can play; and after following this since early 2018, I believe the final hand in the game was dealt during the evil machinations of the globalists and their release of the China Virus last October, with the help of Bill Gates, Soros, the [DS] rats scurrying around China, the clowns and several traitors to America in America…all of whom need to hang.


Several rounds have been played in this final hand since October: first the [DS] scum released the virus in Wuhan in October - and became mass murderers.


Then they hid what was going on, including arresting and even allowing doctors to die to keep a lid on what they were doing.


Then they started sending selected puppets with high viral loads to various countries to seed the population. They had hoped to do this unnoticed, but President Trump banned travel from China. The [DS] in China had a couple side bets though, and in countries where the bosses were in greater control they were able to get some high-viral-load mules in to infect the population. Still, in America and some other countries, for example Singapore, very few cases, and many countries are still, today, relatively China Virus free. Countries that were quick to close their borders have far fewer cases and deaths.


Next, misinformation to ramp up fear spread by globalists in organizations like the W.H.O., the U.N., the demonrat party, the media meat puppets and 'guests,’ and compromised doctors like some in the CDC.


They are of course being watched, followed, recorded…every person they meet, have a meal with, walk down the street with, talk with on the phone, email or text; all are now known. Just like with the demonrat slaves previously in the NSC…leave them there, watch them, follow them, learn their contacts and intentions and then having all the relevant information, and when the time is right…remove them.


But back to the misinformation: it is now clear - by the reactions of the idiots sending the 4 am talking points to their meat-puppets - that they just don't have the intellect for this battle! The outright - and self-exposed - insanity of the demonrats and their media meat puppets and their controllers is on graphic display. President Trump is winning the information war.


President Trump's daily press conferences, held to inform the American people of what is REALLY going on, not just in America but around the world, have driven and will continue to drive the treasonous scum even further into exposing themselves. They are so delusional now that they are actually demanding that networks stop President Trump from holding his daily informative press conferences! The globalist demand on the demonrats is that they create and control the narrative and keep pushing fear porn, but fewer and fewer people are falling for it, and so to take back the narrative they imagine stopping President Trump from telling Americans the truth! Well, good luck with that one.



Anonymous ID: a4bdba March 25, 2020, 11:38 p.m. No.8568997   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9091



The globalist pigs, the demonrats and their meat puppets are dancing to President Trump's tune, and there is no way they can stop! He has been playing them like a violin and they are totally lost - they just don't have the intellectual capacity to see it. Vacuous morons, like rachel madcow, are setting-up the play of the Trump card - only they don't know it. Some of the demonrats meat puppets are even beginning to push President Trump to play the Trump card - only they, also, don't know what they have been "led" to ask in the press briefings.

Puhlousy and schlimer's recent antics indicate they want President Trump to play his Trump card - but they have even less chance to understand what is truly happening than others.

More normies are getting red-pilled because of the demonstrable insanity of the haters of America and they now watch President Trump's press conferences noticing and absorbing not just the information given and how President Trump handles it, but also seeing the reactions of the demonrats.

There has to be a particular % that Q and Q+ have in mind, the 'correct' % of the population to be exposed to the truth before the best time to play the Trump Card.

I think the Trump Card that the sick leftists have unknowingly pushed for and begged for is about to be played - and the straw that will break the camel's back will be if the absolute garbage that the demonrats want to present to President Trump as the bill to help Americans through this time is presented to him. The Trump Card will be played within hours of that garbage bill landing on President Trump's desk.

President Trump WILL NOT sign the garbage the scum-of-the-nation want him to sign…he will play the Trump Card and give Americans every friggin' thing he said he was going to give - he will declare Martial Law (that is what the scum-of-the-nation have been pushing toward with their insane demands.)

>President Trump will declare Martial Law, arrest all the traitors, and I won't be surprised if he gives daily press conferences about it.

>Under Martial Law there is essentially only one "Power" in America: the President and his Military. Habeus Corpus is suspended, no explanation is required to be given by any President under a state of Martial Law for anything done under Martial Law; whatever any President wants to do is what is done.

>Any President may, after declaring Martial Law, arrest whomever they choose without giving any explanation to anybody except to the American people if the President so chooses, but directly, and not through a corrupt globalist media - and I'm sure President Trump will wish the American people to know exactly what is going on. We may not see every detail, but we will likely notice by certain absences from the scene that something has happened.

>I believe the playing of the Trump card and the restructuring for, and by, We the People is approaching, and is being pushed (ironically) into being by the delusional. Perhaps subconsciously they realize that they are not long for this world and have, in essence, decided to commit mass suicide, whether professional or personal.

>The re-structuring of America will accelerate. The ending of the foreign-owned fed by absorbing all the feds "books" into the Treasury Department will cause a tsunami of advancement in America. Once America owns her own money, once the American people can exist as free people rather than slaves to financiers, once the wealth of America is used in America to Make America Greater, to make Americans wealthier and happier, once the education system and textbooks are cleansed of the globalist garbage inserted into academia since the '80's, the entire world will once again see America as a beacon of Liberty.

>To quote President Trump from a speech to the U.N.: "The future is NOT for globalists!"

Anonymous ID: a4bdba March 25, 2020, 11:43 p.m. No.8569029   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9106 >>9158


Try again. Sorry!



The globalist pigs, the demonrats and their meat puppets are dancing to President Trump's tune, and there is no way they can stop! He has been playing them like a violin and they are totally lost - they just don't have the intellectual capacity to see it. Vacuous morons, like rachel madcow, are setting-up the play of the Trump card - only they don't know it. Some of the demonrats meat puppets are even beginning to push President Trump to play the Trump card - only they, also, don't know what they have been "led" to ask in the press briefings.


Puhlousy and schlimer's recent antics indicate they want President Trump to play his Trump card - but they have even less chance to understand what is truly happening than others.


More normies are getting red-pilled because of the demonstrable insanity of the haters of America and they now watch President Trump's press conferences noticing and absorbing not just the information given and how President Trump handles it, but also seeing the reactions of the demonrats.


There has to be a particular % that Q and Q+ have in mind, the 'correct' % of the population to be exposed to the truth before the best time to play the Trump Card.


I think the Trump Card that the sick leftists have unknowingly pushed for and begged for is about to be played - and the straw that will break the camel's back will be if the absolute garbage that the demonrats want to present to President Trump as the bill to help Americans through this time is presented to him. The Trump Card will be played within hours of that garbage bill landing on President Trump's desk.


President Trump WILL NOT sign the garbage the scum-of-the-nation want him to sign…he will play the Trump Card and give Americans every friggin' thing he said he was going to give - he will declare Martial Law (that is what the scum-of-the-nation have been pushing toward with their insane demands.)


President Trump will declare Martial Law, arrest all the traitors, and I won't be surprised if he gives daily press conferences about it.


Under Martial Law there is essentially only one "Power" in America: the President and his Military. Habeus Corpus is suspended, no explanation is required to be given by any President under a state of Martial Law for anything done under Martial Law; whatever any President wants to do is what is done.


Any President may, after declaring Martial Law, arrest whomever they choose without giving any explanation to anybody except to the American people if the President so chooses, but directly, and not through a corrupt globalist media - and I'm sure President Trump will wish the American people to know exactly what is going on. We may not see every detail, but we will likely notice by certain absences from the scene that something has happened.


I believe the playing of the Trump card and the restructuring for, and by, We the People is approaching, and is being pushed (ironically) into being by the delusional. Perhaps subconsciously they realize that they are not long for this world and have, in essence, decided to commit mass suicide, whether professional or personal.


The re-structuring of America will accelerate. The ending of the foreign-owned fed by absorbing all the feds "books" into the Treasury Department will cause a tsunami of advancement in America. Once America owns her own money, once the American people can exist as free people rather than slaves to financiers, once the wealth of America is used in America to Make America Greater, to make Americans wealthier and happier, once the education system and textbooks are cleansed of the globalist garbage inserted into academia since the '80's, the entire world will once again see America as a beacon of Liberty.


To quote President Trump from a speech to the U.N.: "The future is NOT for globalists!"

Anonymous ID: a4bdba March 25, 2020, 11:58 p.m. No.8569106   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9121


End needs rewriting. Developing story. Trump signed… Nat'l Guard federalised in CA, NY and WA - Martial law might be a bit much. But still food for thought.


15 days = Easter.

Anonymous ID: a4bdba March 26, 2020, 12:12 a.m. No.8569167   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Breaking up CA would be letting the scum lead. Diversity in regions of the state can be maintained while still being united as a state.


Forward, not backward.

Anonymous ID: a4bdba March 26, 2020, 12:37 a.m. No.8569307   🗄️.is 🔗kun


"Military intel knows where obama was borne. They also know who covered it up."


It's not what you know, but what you do with it. We'll see…