Tanks Bakes
Devil's Trips
>If we had a good system in the US, instead of a shit one, we would've known that hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine were solutions years ago, because pubmed has studies from 2004 saying that choloroquine works on SARS.
Not to argue about FDAcare in the US, however, the reason studies on Chlorquine stopped was that after they finished the lab studies, the SARS epidemic was over, and there was no one to test it on.
It seems to me IIRC, discussions about Chloroquine as a treatment began early March. So, thanks to POTUS, it's already being tested here.
If left to the FDA it would have been burried.
And of course the FDA is throwing out road blocks, although they're definitely afraid of POTUS wrath at this point.
>>>8568657 will you get a coronavirus stimulus check/something big is coming
Why are we notabling stock tips teasers from Motley Fool?
All that cap says is basically
"Don't spend money you don't have. And when you get it, spend it on our list of pump and dumps stocks we want OUT of."
>You sound kinda butt-hurt bro.?
You sound kinda stupid.
That shit was spammed all day.
That was butt hurt.
Was that you spamming?
>But of course anyone who notices this shit and calls it out is a shill, right?
I pointed out that the radio station, WAMU.org, had no story about a DC transformer explosion. The sauce for that notable are twats.
>>8566335 >>8566401 >>8566501 >>8566516 >>8566577 >>8566656 Power substation at the Amtrak yard in NE DC.
One of which references wamu.org. See pic 1. You'd think, at this time, one would want to be sure reports of explosions in DC were well sourced. Bakes claimed he didn't have time to look at all of it, even though he had already looked at most of it to notable it.
I also detailed how this
>>8565743, >>8565969, >>8566017 Google Earth GITMO right now. (Gitmo)
was showing up because someone (the poster most likely) created a Google location, then seeded it. It doesn't show up in BING or DDG.
With a population of 9MM and 30000 cases, you've got a 0.3% chance of finding someone.
The city is shutdown.
Those who have it are either self quarrentined or in hospital. Hospital's are not identifying the infected as that's a felony HIPPA violation.
It's not like the infected have to wear a Kung Flu T-Shirt.,
>What the fuck are they going to do with the tanks. Shock and awe?
Vid on this page shows them moving east through Pomona. Eastern edge of LA county border with Riverside county. Whatever they're doing, they're going where they say they are.
Open terrain there. Much more suitable for Main Battle tank ops.
>What they should do, now, not now, immediately, but placed on the to do list, is to test the Q drugs with all the viruses that we know of.
Well, let's deal with the Kung Flu first.
But yeah, should be done.
My neurologist suggested (on the downlow) tonic water for my peripheral neurology. Couldn't tell me officially, since in IIRC2008, Quinine et.al. was forbidden to treat because so FDA-PharmaCo had new uber expensive drugs to treat my condition.
The alleged co is paying $80k for roll players, and posting a protonmail email addy. That's tard-tier craigslist listing. A company spending that much on extras has polish. The adv doesn't
>Mixed results, nothing notable, so not mentioned, but it happened. It was logged.
Logged where?
There's no sauce.
Nothing ID's that as DC.
And I'm sorry, but there's no such thing as a little transformer explosion, especially in DC.
>Anyone anons remember me bitching 2 days back about being banned?
Was about to call it out as copypasta.