>>8568421 LB
"For The Life Of The Flesh Is In The Blood".
>>8568421 LB
There is so much to this "flesh".
I also read KJV, not other translations. Old school.
Blood. Grace. Souls. Individual pure (single-use only) soul. Created in the womb. Our soul is not a harlot passing through many "wombs" and mothers… Reincarnation is a deception of the Evil One.
Adam and Eve ate the fruit and became aware they were naked. God did not tell them; they were innocent. The Serpent always bespoils, counterfeits and adulterates. So there was a need for clothes and Adam and Eve of their own limited skill.. used leaves. God knew a better way, a more durable way. The killing of the animal(s) for the meat and the skin is a masculine facet of God, and one of many clues about the character of God in The Word. Not one of the scriptural clues implies a femininity to the character of God. And God was thinking ahead. God knew the Serpent would shed his skin at some point and that Adam and Eve may be deceived by the Serpent to believe in reincarnation and idolatry (ref. Ancient Egyptians, Babylonian, Hinduism and all the priest-kings). The soul is eternal and it is you; it is not an insect then a mammal then a human then a "higher" human as the reincarnationist vegan Ancient Egyptians believed. That is evil and the way of social segregation as the educated/priest class claim to be closer to the holy nobility and the nobility claim to be close to the omnipotent Pharoah. Apartheid. Castes. And such fine elites depended on an underpinning of slavery and human misery beyond description. This evil idolatrous religious system where God is in stones and animals and trees and everything was false. Did God bless that system or curse it? No, God blessed the hebrew slaves who the Egyptians hated because of their meat eating and blood sacrifice. It really upset the pagan egyptian soy boys. Moses and Aaron showed it to be weaker than God Almighty. (Remember Aaron's staff and its battle with evil incantations).
And those who slew the children and made them pass through fire assumed with their reincarnation/karma belief system that the child's soul would go high on the ladder to the Godhead, because the child had not accumulated any sins and was pure. And as Arjuna is told, to die for the latest/current incarnated god-king (so-called) (or priest-king) is a high death, therefore the minion soldiers will reincarnate closer to the priest-king themselves, on the wheel of life. All of it wrong. All Lies.
Bonus trivia: why are those traditional guards in The Tower of London called Beefeaters?