Hello frens, just woke up and thought I'd drop in and see what you wonderful bastards have dug tonight.
While laying in bed earlier my mine was on, "Will Potus really sign this bill?" and if he did "Why?"
A few thoughts hit me and I thought I'd throw them out there, probably already discussed this but I'll toss it in the ring anyways, I know you'll rightly ignore if nuttin there.
First thought was, Potus focusing on the short term game, sign the damn bill and get money out to the people. After 2020, Potus wins (given) and we take both Senate, House and likely Suprime Court, Dems powerless to stop us. So we just undo anything still in effect, along with a whole lot of other stuff, his writing hand will be busy and sore.
Second thought, Potus veto's it putting it back onto the Dems. Potus goes on TV and explains just why he cant' sign it, pork line by ork line laying out these are the things the Dems added AFTER we had an agreement a (by then) week ago, The ball is thrown back in the Dems court, they will be forced to concede or hold the ALL blame for the pain the people will feel, and they will start to feel it soon.
Third, Potus veto's and declares a National Emergency, under that declaration he, by himself, will have the power to pen in laws and get money out to the people without interference, while the military is out rounding [Them] up and shipping them off to Gitmo. [They] will have no where to run, air flights block, boat travel blocked (watch-ing the water), boarders blocked, rats try to run but no where to hide, not even in their tunnels, who know where all the bodies are buried (in those tunnels)?