Anonymous ID: d47dec March 25, 2020, 11:16 p.m. No.8568873   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


so your method involves you posting shit that anons will most def not agree with and then you add stuff that anons should know by now is total bs!


Sometimes I feel lost and have no idea who is my fren and who is my enemy yet I think I understand you now.


Same as muh joo shilling desensitizes anons to that bullshit so just add the other crap to the tale end of a muh joo rant and viola!


Fuck it.

Muh Likey!


Sorry if I messed up your black panther party this time but I will remain silent from here on.


Please someone explain Inthematrixxx to me now.


Is this a catch all for the cath's who are Cog Dis level infinity and would otherwise reject Q?


If this is the caseโ€ฆ. I apologize.

Call a Medic.

I would hate to be my enemyโ€ฆ.

If not and if Q ever says P = your a little bitch, its on again yet until that time I declare a truce.


Thoughts anons?

I would appreciate guidance occasionally or when flustered I will just drop bombs on everyone indiscriminately. It's messy but very effective.

try to forgive me.