You are misguided
loans with interest break down class barriers
How to buy a house
>live under a bridge for 30 years and save money?
Anyone can borrow and return to borrow again
loans with consumer rating are community working together based on trust
No color or religion on loan form
It means you are newfag and should lurk more
I serve no jew
you fall for false dichotomy
either agree with me or jew/goyim
you are in a prison of your mind
you buy what you gain
ability to borrow again
buy trust
you paid full price for your house and car or you borrowed for the privilege of spending more than you had
the worst drugs are the most expensive
only certain people can afford 75k a hit
celebrities generally are elevated past what they can handle
the most likely to be in financial trouble and the most willing to make deals for shallow vanity
change your VPN
free information world wide
a lie can travel around the world before the truth laces up its shoes
spread truth and nonviolence everywhere anon
this needs to be addressed more often
They take children
scare them to death
and eat part of their brain
Im sure its rather involved and a logistical nightmare to pull off
Christians have a lot of hypocrisy in their dogma, but they are important for a big tent political win
at least their church allows them to read for themselves now
christians are servants of master abrahamic religion
I think this is going to be the vehicle for what we are all waiting for
if the world finds out people helped facilitate a deadly virus they would turn on their political teams
Would you rather plead guilty to terrorism or crimes against children that would make most people sick and depressed to think about
Spirit cooking ffs
OLD af
this man was on local sheriff department and fired for wearing Q patch in pic
someone posted link to gov job board if he was looking