Anonymous ID: 42f683 March 26, 2020, 2:50 a.m. No.8569821   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9835 >>9875

White supremacist, 36, is shot and killed by FBI after plotting to BLOW UP a Missouri hospital with a truck bomb because the federal government was too slow to react to the coronavirus crisis


Timothy Wilson, 36, was shot and killed by the FBI after he plotted to blow up a hospital in near Kansas City

The FBI targeted Wilson who they say was a potentially violent extremist whose hatred was fueled by religion, racial animosity, and government distrust

The FBI attempted to serve Wilson with a warrant as he was picking up what he believed to be a truck bomb but actually wasn't

Wilson was motived by religion, racial animosity, and distrust of the government, according to the FBI

Wilson wanted to inflict 'severe harm and mass casualties', according to the FBI

Coronavirus symptoms: what are they and should you see a doctor?


(video in link)


A man was shot and killed by the FBI on Tuesday after plotting to blow up a hospital in frustration to government's response to the coronavirus pandemic.


Timothy Wilson, 36, was shot after the FBI attempted to serve him a warrant in Belton, Missouri. Wilson was rushed to a nearby hospital when he died from his injuries.


The FBI had been tracking Wilson for months after they pinpointed him as a potentially violent extremist, driven by racial animus, religious zealotry, and distrust of the government.


Wilson had planned on using the 'vehicle-borne' explosive mechanism to blow up a hospital near Kansas City.


He purposely targeted a hospital treating people suffering from coronavirus to inflict 'severe harm and mass casualties.'


The FBI says Wilson was armed when they attempted to arrest him. At the time, he was picking up what he thought was a truck bomb but wasn't actually a bomb.


According to the agency statement, Wilson grew frustrated with federal government efforts to slow coronavirus and 'decided to accelerate his plan to use a vehicle-born improvised explosive device in an attempt to cause severe harm and mass casualties.'


As of Wednesday March 25, 2.30pm central time, Missouri had 356 cases of coronavirus and eight deaths from the virus, according to the Missouri Health Department.


Kansas City currently has a 'stay at home' order in place to curb the spread of coronavirus.

Anonymous ID: 42f683 March 26, 2020, 3:13 a.m. No.8569887   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9899 >>9942

Just curious - anybody else remember us talking about when this happened? Was this guy a designated virus spreader? (and doesn't February 20 seem like a long time ago?)


Graduate Student Dies of the Flu Before Rescuers Find Him Following Garbled 911 Call

Yeming Shen was eventually found by his roommate


By Gabrielle Chung February 20, 2020 09:18 PM


A college student who called 911 for help has tragically died of the flu before he was found by his rescuers.


Yeming Shen — a 28-year-old who was studying Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York — passed away from influenza on Feb. 10, the Rensselaer County Health Department said in a statement.


Officers and firefighters were sent out to a City Station apartment complex shortly after 11:05 a.m. following a garbled 911 call made by the graduate student, Troy Police Department confirmed to PEOPLE. However, authorities were unable to pinpoint the caller’s exact location and a search of the area was conducted.


Investigators spent 45 minutes looking for Shen before the search was called off, according to the Associated Press.


Shen was found by his roommate six hours later, the news agency reported.


Dispatchers were not able to precisely locate Shen’s location because emergency dispatch systems still have trouble fixing onto the exact position from which cellphone users make calls, according to Times Union. While landlines usually allow dispatchers to see who is calling through their address, cellphone calls are harder to trace and data from cell towers often cannot reveal a caller’s exact location.


The local newspaper reported that Shen’s call was hard to decipher and line went dead before dispatchers could learn the caller’s identity.


Following an autopsy, investigators determined that Shen had influenza A — a type of flu that “comes on very sudden and severe,” Mary Fran Wachunas, the county’s public health director, told Times Union.


“What happened this year was flu came in quite early and when it comes in early it does sometimes divide and mutate and so we have a couple strains circulating right now,” she said.

Anonymous ID: 42f683 March 26, 2020, 3:17 a.m. No.8569899   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9942


Hang on there's some more from prev source and it's really making me think

Was this a biological hit? Had he nailed down a big pile of truth, or gotten too close to it? We KNOW that no one gets too close without getting whacked. Seen it happen time and time again.


"Shen was described as a hard-working PhD student who had “tremendous impact” on Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in a letter written to the school paper, The Polytechnic, on Wednesday.


“He used his tremendous mathematical mind to help create new methods to disrupt the networks of transnational criminal organizations, a truly noble cause,” associate professor Thomas Sharkey wrote of Shen. “In addition, his methodological innovations have laid the groundwork to potentially help disrupt networks that are trafficking humans. Simply put, I believe that the legacy of his research is that it will make the world a better place.”


Shen was a co-author on a paper titled “Integrative analytics for detecting and disrupting transnational interdependent criminal smuggling, money, and money-laundering networks” and a lead author on the paper “Interdicting interdependent contraband smuggling, money and money laundering networks with inaccurate information.”


“He was closing in on finishing a third paper but his meticulous and independent nature had him continually refining his methods to improve their performance–which is exactly what you would want from a PhD student,” Shakey continued. “We are fortunate to have had him as a member of our department and university.”




RIP Yeming Shin