It was pretty close.
>(whether mind-fuckery or not)
Coincidences, coincidences…
Bill Gates talked to John Kennedy about Murdoch, Money and WORLD DOMINATION
Indictment Day: Will Hillary Get Busted?
Survival Guide to the FUTURE
So we hope you enjoy George's take on the future.
Why not put it in a safe place somewhere and take it out in 20 years?
To paraphrase a great Englishman, it may not get you what you want, but you just might find, it will get you what you need.
15 days?
> If it works we will need to make sure the finite supplies are held for the patients who need it most.
>Meanwhile the aborted babies for the vaccines never run out.
This evil fuck
I would prefer if 5G got stopped and stuff like this was in a hospital, where it belongs, to treat sick people.
5G would be like some kind of vaccine, and I think only sick people should get treated for something, not healthy humans. Especially not healthy children.
>Cures don't make "them" rich!
…and they don't even hide it.
>point of Big Pharma - get much muh money
>point of vaccines? make people more healthy?
Just this alone makes no sense.
If it was, Big Pharma would go broke.
It only makes sense, when people get more and more sick.
>We really don't know what causes all these chronic diseases, most seem to be the immune system go berserk
>but it's definitely not the vaccines, that are fucking with the immune system of healthy people
Why the fuck can't health "professionals" not figure this out? It's simply using simple logic.