Anonymous ID: 77bd92 March 26, 2020, 1 a.m. No.8569421   🗄️.is 🔗kun


now I will be up all night analyzing your "drop"!


Did anon mean I am the loser? evil C_A is the loser? Vatican is the loser?

Was anon talking about the Deep State' failed Virus kill count?

maybe there is something in Anons ID: or time stamp?!!!?

Better check the clock! kek!


Come on! Moar words not less!

Anonymous ID: 77bd92 March 26, 2020, 1:13 a.m. No.8569472   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9501 >>9647 >>9790 >>9955 >>0069 >>0121

corona fear terror 911 hits 1000

cuomo being faggot again


US coronavirus death toll crosses 1,000

stimulus plan 'terrible' for NY, Cuomo says

At least 285 people have died in New York state.

March 25, 2020, 11:04 PM


"A pandemic of the novel coronavirus has now killed more than 21,200 people around the world.


There are more than 470,000 diagnosed cases of the new respiratory illness, known officially as COVID-19, spanning every continent except Antarctica, according to data compiled by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering at Johns Hopkins University.


With more than 68,500 diagnosed cases, the United States has the third-highest national total behind Italy and China. The virus has rapidly spread across every U.S. state as well as Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico, killing at least 1,031 people."

Anonymous ID: 77bd92 March 26, 2020, 1:35 a.m. No.8569570   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9647 >>9790 >>9955 >>0069 >>0121

FISA court delays deadline for DOJ's proposed reforms

amid coronavirus

Published 29 mins ago


"The U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court on Wednesday granted the Justice Department a one-week extension to give details about court-ordered reforms to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act amid the coronavirus outbreak.


“The government, through counsel, orally requested a one-week extension of the time to provide such information, in view of modified staffing and telework practices occasioned by the COVID-19 outbreak,” Judge James Boasberg, chief judge of the FISA court, wrote, The Washington Examiner reported. “Accordingly, the government’s time to provide such information is hereby extended.”


FISA court blocks FBI agents linked to Carter Page probe from seeking wiretaps, other surveillance


Late last year, the inspector general found there were at least 17 "significant inaccuracies and omissions" in the application to get a warrant to monitor former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.


Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s nearly 500-page report was also sharply critical at times of the FBI’s handling of the case, including failing to share information.


Earlier this month, Boasberg also largely approved revisions that the FBI said it would make to its process for seeking wiretaps – in reaction to Horowitz's report.


Among the problems, Boasberg noted, were that the FBI had "omitted or mischaracterized" various "information bearing on [former British spy Christopher] Steele's personal credibility and professional judgment."


Boasberg told the Justice Department to provide details about proposed FISA reforms in March and asked for a report on “improving DOJ proactiveness in ensuring the completeness of FISA applications,” according to the Examiner."

Anonymous ID: 77bd92 March 26, 2020, 1:41 a.m. No.8569597   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9612 >>9628 >>9647 >>9790 >>9955 >>0069 >>0121

U.S. insisting that the U.N. call out Chinese origins of coronavirus

Exclusive: A Security Council resolution on the coronavirus stalls over attempts to single out China as the country of origin.

March 25, 2020, 8:41 PM EDT

By Josh Lederman


"WASHINGTON — The Trump administration is pushing the U.N. Security Council to call attention to the Chinese origins of the coronavirus, four diplomats posted to the United Nations told NBC News, triggering a stalemate as the global body seeks to cobble together a response to the pandemic.


Talks among U.N. Security Council nations over a joint declaration or resolution on the coronavirus have stalled over U.S. insistence that it explicitly state that the virus originated in Wuhan, China, as well as exactly when it started there. China's diplomats are enraged according to the diplomats, even as they seek to put their own language into the statement praising China's efforts to contain the virus.


The dispute at the United Nations comes amid growing finger-pointing between Washington and Beijing over the coronavirus."

Anonymous ID: 77bd92 March 26, 2020, 1:48 a.m. No.8569624   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9630 >>9642 >>9647 >>9790 >>9955 >>0069 >>0121

Is there a doctor in the house? Nevada state medical team

that banned malaria drug for coronavirus lacks qualification'''

25 Mar, 2020 23:22


"Nevada’s top health officials lack the qualifications one might expect in leaders making public health recommendations for the US, but that hasn’t stopped them from attacking a potential Covid-19 treatment.

Trump’s detractors in the Nevada state health department have moved heaven and earth to stop doctors in the state from prescribing two drugs the president deemed promising for treatment of coronavirus, insisting he’s not qualified enough for his opinion to outweigh a lack of medical consensus. However, a few Twitter detectives discovered on Wednesday that these “professionals” don’t seem to have all the necessary licenses and qualifications to practice medicine in the US either.

At the urging of his state medical advisors, Nevada Governor Steve Sisolak banned the use of FDA-approved malaria drugs hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine to treat coronavirus in an emergency order issued on Tuesday.


The order tightly restricts supply of the drugs, limiting even non-coronavirus cases to a 30-day supply. Sisolak, a Democrat, explained it was a safety measure to prevent hoarding of the malaria medicines and ensure continued supply to the patients who desperately need them.


Pushing the loudest for the restrictions had been Ihsan Azzam, Nevada’s chief medical officer. While Azzam has a masters degree and prior experience in environmental public health and epidemiology, fulfilling the qualifications required to hold the state post, his only experience actually practicing medicine came from an obstetrics and gynecology department in an African hospital over two decades ago."

Anonymous ID: 77bd92 March 26, 2020, 1:55 a.m. No.8569651   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9661 >>9681 >>9790 >>9955 >>0069 >>0121

Italian Mayor Threatens To Send "Police With Flamethrowers"

To Graduation Parties

Tyler Durden

Thu, 03/26/2020 - 03:30


"Vincenzo De Luca, mayor of the Italian town of Campania, gave an angry speech from his Facebook page where he threatened to send police “with flamethrowers” to illegal gatherings like graduations parties that were happening in the midst of the nationwide quarantine.


“I’m getting news that some [people] would like to throw graduation parties… We will send police. With flamethrowers,” De Luca said, according to the National Post.


In another rant published to social media, Massimiliano Presciutti, the mayor of Reggio Calabria, complained of people walking their dogs like Will Smith in I Am Legend.


“Where the f*** are you all going? You and your dogs… which must have an inflamed prostate?” he said in a video circulating on social media.


Presciutti claimed that he stopped dog walkers on the street to shame them about being outside.


“I stopped him and said, ‘Look, this isn’t a movie. You are not Will Smith in I Am Legend. Go home,” he said.


Antonio Tutolo, the mayor of Lucera, was upset that people were going out to get their hair done.


“Getting in mobile hairdressers? What the f is that for? Who the f is supposed to even see you with your hair all done in a casket? Do you understand the casket will be closed?” he said."


for keks

Anonymous ID: 77bd92 March 26, 2020, 2:16 a.m. No.8569721   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9790 >>9841 >>9955 >>0069 >>0121



sky not falling?


"We are living through what may be the worst and most elemental fear human beings can experience — the fear of invasion.


And the invader isn’t a human aggressor that can be repelled with military force — but an invisible and not-exactly-alive ­viral contagion that somehow gets inside your body or the body of your loved ones and attacks from within even as it continues to spread its damage from without. This is the horror of the novel coronavirus.


For Americans especially prone to that specific fear, there is ­almost no piece of coronavirus news that doesn’t trigger a renewed sense of panic. Unfortunately, the explosive growth over the past decade of social media has given rise to a kind of panic loop, a second-by-second retailing of the worst possible scenarios raised by the outbreak.


There is something peculiar ­going on in the way certain people are discussing the coronavirus — journalists, pundits and the armies of “influencers” endowed with a blue checkmark for no obvious reason. It’s almost as though they are taking a salacious pleasure in the grimmest and most haunting possibilities.


It’s like Chicken Little is secretly thrilled the sky is falling."

Anonymous ID: 77bd92 March 26, 2020, 2:47 a.m. No.8569818   🗄️.is 🔗kun


you just keeping working on those segues, making memes and helping Q while Mad dog and the Marines sends [them] back to [their] maker! :D


GN my Glorious Faggots and Faggettes.

5:5 o7