eyem heer go to bed
#10972 new baker
>>8569608, >>8569619, >>8569635 US Military news Tweets
>>8569588 Planefag Reports
>>8569359, >>8569365, >>8569401, >>8569489, >>8569528, >>8569573, >>8569580, >>8569576, >>8569597,
>>8569612, >>8569624, >>8569634 Chinese Virus Reports
>>8569397 Digital currency move to replace cash
>>8569404 Doctors Are Hoarding Unproven Coronavirus Medicine by Writing Prescriptions for Themselves and Their Families
>>8569449 2nd Infantry Brigade 28th Infantry Division ("Keystone") formed from units of the Pennsylvania Army National Guard
>>8569454, >>8569472 Celebrity panic mode! Comms/Announcements/Deaths
>>8569455, >>8569492 "The Temple of Moloch".Red Cross & Edison short film c. 1914
>>8569544 Senate Unanimously Passes Historic Coronavirus Relief Package
>>8569570 FISA court delays deadline for DOJ's proposed reforms
>>8569581 "200+ Ships EMPTY and AVAILABLE, Rudy Giuliani
>>8569762 Give us some moar
#10972 new baker
>>8569608, >>8569619, >>8569635, >>8569641 US Military news Tweets
>>8569588, >>8569683 Planefag Reports
>>8569359, >>8569365, >>8569401, >>8569489, >>8569528, >>8569573, >>8569580, >>8569576, >>8569597,
>>8569612, >>8569624, >>8569634, >>8569651, >>8569667, >>8569692, >>8569751, >>8569754, >>8569780 Chinese Virus Reports
>>8569397 Digital currency move to replace cash
>>8569404 Doctors Are Hoarding Unproven Coronavirus Medicine by Writing Prescriptions for Themselves and Their Families
>>8569449 2nd Infantry Brigade 28th Infantry Division ("Keystone") formed from units of the Pennsylvania Army National Guard
>>8569454, >>8569472 Celebrity panic mode! Comms/Announcements/Deaths
>>8569455, >>8569492 "The Temple of Moloch".Red Cross & Edison short film c. 1914
>>8569544 Senate Unanimously Passes Historic Coronavirus Relief Package
>>8569570 FISA court delays deadline for DOJ's proposed reforms
>>8569581 "200+ Ships EMPTY and AVAILABLE, Rudy Giuliani
>>8569721, >>8569726 sky not falling?
>>8569756 Those who spread the coronavirus intentionally may face criminal charges under federal terrorism laws
hey worlds nicest baker thanks buddy Im here working away. Can't sleep anymoar yea got here at 4 am get my work done for Q for the day. You enjoy the covfeefer
>>8569793 Shills be like
KEK ! He thought that rock was another cat i think! that was badass thanks man have a good day , yea the shills are growing super weak for sure running out of steam. Q pushes on non stop ! NEVER GIVING IN .
o fuk yea
kek !
Bible thumpers are the WORST know it all people almost impossble to be around. They demand you follow them or ELSE !!! Sick evil all of it's own kind. The Ego on full blast . WHAT Bible is the correct Bible ? There are 26 versions ALL DIFFERENT . Who authorized what got printed and evolved? You people are as bad as the shills and ruin the Bible for normies with your constant demands for obediance. I want to read the UNAUTHORIZED version then we can talk .
Don't get me wrong I love Jesus and the books of the Bible but to push it on people and use judgements like " Well..I know you SAY your a Christian but…" Just way too much over the years as soon as I hear the word Bible I see a hundred mean old people screaming in my face demands of absolute control !!!! That is a ruined path for me unfortunately. I enjoy many books and do want to read the original Bible but will never push my spirituality on anyone with demands of hellfire and brimstone. Others ruined it for me personally not you.
I live in harmony with nature , help people as a first thought every day and do not kill anything. I play hero and often become the villian but I need no book or man's writing to tell me how to find God he is all around us. It really is that simple.
#10972 new baker
>>8569608, >>8569619, >>8569635, >>8569641 US Military news Tweets
>>8569588, >>8569683, >>8569953 Planefag Reports
>>8569359, >>8569365, >>8569401, >>8569489, >>8569528, >>8569573, >>8569580, >>8569576, >>8569597,
>>8569612, >>8569624, >>8569634, >>8569651, >>8569667, >>8569692, >>8569751, >>8569754, >>8569780 Chinese Virus Reports
>>8569397 Digital currency move to replace cash
>>8569404 Doctors Are Hoarding Unproven Coronavirus Medicine by Writing Prescriptions for Themselves and Their Families
>>8569449 2nd Infantry Brigade 28th Infantry Division ("Keystone") formed from units of the Pennsylvania Army National Guard
>>8569454, >>8569472, >>8569829 Celebrity panic mode! Comms/Announcements/Deaths
>>8569455, >>8569492 "The Temple of Moloch".Red Cross & Edison short film c. 1914
>>8569544 Senate Unanimously Passes Historic Coronavirus Relief Package
>>8569570 FISA court delays deadline for DOJ's proposed reforms
>>8569581 "200+ Ships EMPTY and AVAILABLE, Rudy Giuliani
>>8569721, >>8569726 sky not falling?
>>8569756 Those who spread the coronavirus intentionally may face criminal charges under federal terrorism laws
>>8569831, >>8569838, >>8569870 Anon speculates germ theory is fake (vid)
>>8569932 Night Shift rocking the false medical establishment!
Sound like a mocking post almost threatning in demand of obedience.
I'm good with the Bible just have PTSD about it from people in my life . It's a touchy subject for some who were pysically beaten and abused under the demands of it. Think deeper than surface. Our country twisted everything over the years. I know what Q posts and says and respect it . Everyone is to be taken as they aere not with past filter looking at them. Judge not as it says.
U too brother i care about you whatever God you love and follow it does not matter to me . YOU are what is important not the idols of men and books he writes from dreams.
>>8570060 that was the 666 th post of the bread
#10972 new baker
>>8570018 President Trump's Tweets News and Decodes
>>8569608, >>8569619, >>8569635, >>8569641, >>8569621 US Military news Tweets
>>8569588, >>8569683, >>8569953 Planefag Reports
>>8569359, >>8569365, >>8569401, >>8569489, >>8569528, >>8569573, >>8569580, >>8569576, >>8569597,
>>8569612, >>8569624, >>8569634, >>8569651, >>8569667, >>8569692, >>8569751, >>8569754, >>8569780 Chinese Virus Reports
>>8569397 Digital currency move to replace cash
>>8569404 Doctors Are Hoarding Unproven Coronavirus Medicine by Writing Prescriptions for Themselves and Their Families
>>8569449 2nd Infantry Brigade 28th Infantry Division ("Keystone") formed from units of the Pennsylvania Army National Guard
>>8569454, >>8569472, >>8569829 Celebrity panic mode! Comms/Announcements/Deaths
>>8569455, >>8569492 "The Temple of Moloch".Red Cross & Edison short film c. 1914
>>8569544 Senate Unanimously Passes Historic Coronavirus Relief Package
>>8569570 FISA court delays deadline for DOJ's proposed reforms
>>8569581 "200+ Ships EMPTY and AVAILABLE, Rudy Giuliani
>>8569721, >>8569726 sky not falling?
>>8569756 Those who spread the coronavirus intentionally may face criminal charges under federal terrorism laws
>>8569831, >>8569838, >>8569870 Anon speculates germ theory is fake (vid)
>>8569932, >>8569625, >>8570050 Night Shift rocking the false medical establishment!
>>8570005, >>8570046 Maryland Man shot and killed in his bed during the early morning by police identified as 4chan Reddit user computer entrepreneur Duncan Lemp.
>>8570003 Charles Leiber, professor from Harvard who was arrested, focused on integrating electronics into the Brain via syringe.
#10972 New Baker
>>8570018, >>8570090 President Trump's Tweets News and Decodes
>>8569608, >>8569619, >>8569635, >>8569641, >>8569621 US Military news Tweets
>>8569588, >>8569683, >>8569953 Planefag Reports
>>8569359, >>8569365, >>8569401, >>8569489, >>8569528, >>8569573, >>8569580, >>8569576, >>8569597,
>>8569612, >>8569624, >>8569634, >>8569651, >>8569667, >>8569692, >>8569751, >>8569754, >>8569780 Chinese Virus Reports
>>8569397 Digital currency move to replace cash
>>8569404 Doctors Are Hoarding Unproven Coronavirus Medicine by Writing Prescriptions for Themselves and Their Families
>>8569449 2nd Infantry Brigade 28th Infantry Division ("Keystone") formed from units of the Pennsylvania Army National Guard
>>8569454, >>8569472, >>8569829, >>8570070, >>8570087, >>8570097 Celebrity panic mode! Comms/Announcements/Deaths
>>8569455, >>8569492 "The Temple of Moloch".Red Cross & Edison short film c. 1914
>>8569544 Senate Unanimously Passes Historic Coronavirus Relief Package
>>8569570 FISA court delays deadline for DOJ's proposed reforms
>>8569581 "200+ Ships EMPTY and AVAILABLE, Rudy Giuliani
>>8569721, >>8569726 sky not falling?
>>8569756 Those who spread the coronavirus intentionally may face criminal charges under federal terrorism laws
>>8569831, >>8569838, >>8569870 Anon speculates germ theory is fake (vid)
>>8569932, >>8569625, >>8570050 Night Shift rocking the false medical establishment!
>>8570005, >>8570046 Maryland Man shot and killed in his bed during the early morning by police identified as 4chan Reddit user computer entrepreneur Duncan Lemp.
>>8570003 Charles Leiber, professor from Harvard who was arrested, focused on integrating electronics into the Brain via syringe.
>>8570098 Requested note mentions: "SETH RICH @4:26; +WACO+moar+
>>8570120 The L.A. County Board of Supervisors is taking steps to remove Sheriff Alex Villanueva as head of the county's emergency operations