>If the interest it earns
interest in any form creates inequity and will always cause disparity between citizens. Always.
Put it in real simple terms. You and I make up the town of Anonville. We create 100 dollars. I act as banker and you ask for a loan of 100 dollars, all the money in the town. I ask that you take the 100 but pay back 120 in a month.
Where does the 20 dollars come from?
Answer: It doesn't exist and you default.
This is the design of the world we live in.
All interest creates inequity. ALL.
It doesn't change because you add a bunch of people, someone somewhere will always be unable to repay their borrowed money.
interest is something for nothing. I don't care what fancy jew spin you put on it, you can call it loopiciousnessollydocious, but it will still be the same underlying mechanism of requiring something to be returned in excess of what exists.
I couldn't have explained it any easier. It really isn't that hard to understand.
sometimes I think this is special ed class.
just no, anon.
Only God can create from thin air. The rest of us mortals have to work within the confines of reality and reality dictates that if I require you to pay me back somehting that does't exist, you will not be able to pay me back
This is the design of the system. The money has no value, the underlying asset is what is desired and that underlying asset will always be shifting to the lender in an interst-based money system because there will always be less money in circulation than payments required to be paid back to the lender.
We were duped. You don't get it for some obscene reason, you are under the illusion that money has some intrinsic value. It does not. Banks don't want your money, they want your assets.
I'm going to bow out now because I'm pretty sure you are fucking with me and I simply don't have the patience for this.
Enjoy your big win, anon.
I'm going to watch the movie that just finished downloading but I'll leave you with this.
You are seen as goyim because of how fucking stupid you are with money. Jews can sit there, spell it out to you, lay it down, over and over show you the swindle and you continuously fight to prove there is no swindle.
It's unreal from this perspective how strong the illusion is. I don't think you will ever escape your servitude to the Jews.