Anonymous ID: ed0f4e March 26, 2020, 12:46 a.m. No.8569348   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9360 >>9432 >>9954


Hey baker

Nice work!


Can't take your handoff (eyes shot for now, kek)

Probably too early for late gy baker

So you may end up ghosting this one.


Below are some thoughts from LB re anon analyses, espec. graphics:


Writing descriptions of Q proofs and other anon graphical analyses is the hardest thing to do–also the hardest info for other anons to 'grok'

However, really great analyses tend to be transparent

But these are rare.


Anons sometimes think that graphics "speak for themselves"

This is seldom the case, even in the case of oldfag anons (also bakers, kek).


Trying to write an informative description is a good test:

if you–or those who nom your post–can't translate a pattern into words, then you may not have worked out the relationship as well as you think you have.



Anonymous ID: ed0f4e March 26, 2020, 12:57 a.m. No.8569408   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9417 >>9423


Really great job, baker - congrats!


Re graphic descriptions

i used to teach engineers this stuff, it is never easy. But maybe now you'll understand why it's hard to get a notable. Bakers need something they can easily grasp in less than 20 seconds. Most won't be deeply enough "into" your topic even if it's Q related.


Ghosting during graveyard is pretty simple.

Say something like this, making sure it's linked to dough post:


>>8569273 d'oh

baker leaving the kitchen


dough unchanged:

Anonymous ID: ed0f4e March 26, 2020, 1 a.m. No.8569423   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9426 >>9433 >>9439


Ghosting during the say is different.

Bakers try not to bc Q could post.

But if you have to, give LOTS of notice the bred before


i do it like this:

Baker seeks handoff NB

will ghost @100 if not takers


Try very hard not to leave without notice.

But when you have to do–and you have already warned them in advance:


Baker must leave


Anons, plz step up