Yeah none of this ET bullshit NWO NEW AGE antichrist relgiion shit.
Its going to biblical not scifi
WHy does q constantly quote the bible and not the law of one??
False religion ruined it for you. Not a relationship with Jesus (Yeshua).
God is Love. God knew his holy standard was too great for us. he sent his son to fulfil the law and bring a great new covenant for us!
That is the unfortunate thing about text, you dont see the true intention behind the words. 80% of comms is body language. im sloppy on the msg board becuase im usually doing other htings, hence typos and stuff.
just asking a question to stir up the brain. the way q does. law of one isnt mentioned. why is that? bible is?
Same as other dude, not trying to bible thump. trying give a deeper dive into a side of something you may not have seen.
The biggest prob with religion is people. w e are all imperfect. that is why christ is great he is our righteousness, he doesnt expect us to be perfect.
sick peole need doctors, not perfect people. the people demanind perfection are just insecure themsevles.
ive had many a bad pastor. ive resorted to communing directly and reading bible myself, viewing sources but cross referencing.
much like we do here on this board with research.
sorry i wrote a essay.
TLDR: didnt mean it that way. lvoe ya bra - just asking questions like q does so you can think for yourself on the matter :)
Damn i reddit spaced :( sorry i got up too early this morning