Anonymous ID: 5350db March 26, 2020, 4:26 a.m. No.8570192   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0214 >>0229 >>0247 >>0409 >>0780

>>8570103 pb

Deep State didn't write it, necessarily?

They have some very "smart cookies" deep inside it; and wouldn't you say it was a definite product of the Deep State; promoting witchcraft to children?

Wasn't the disintegration of public "entertainment" a deliberate op - not indicative of what the insiders could or could not do?

Maybe the inbreeding caught up with them and the quality of what they can accomplish has gone down?

Did the lady who they say wrote it, really write it? I'm not convinced. Aren't all the Media personalities there for a reason and fake?

Doesn't this happen all the time; manipulated promoted "celebrities?"


Who really wrote it, do we know?

Don't they always need : "Oh this "accomplished" and rewarded person came up from no special background" To reassure the public that the system is a meritocracy and open?.

Anonymous ID: 5350db March 26, 2020, 4:41 a.m. No.8570254   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0327


There will never be a "We believe you now"

Too embarrassing. They will stay away from the subject of "who learned it first"


I'm unconvinced they can actually awaken - if they haven't by now!

But if videos, movies text etc. , indisputable are released. ?

Then they'll all wake-up at once in the little echo chamber they are in.

And anons will still be outsiders to them.

They will probably storm the Networks; as what happened in Africa when the public there was goofed on by "War of the Worlds"

Think how much hate has been drummed up in them?

They'll turn it on the Networks who lied to them, who covered up and who basically are the closest at hand who can be seen to caused it 100%

The beloved "friends for life" they watch every day, waiting for the next hit/fixed - they will turn against.

Those people will need to live in barricaded compounds.


Network News = NYC

Anonymous ID: 5350db March 26, 2020, 4:57 a.m. No.8570327   🗄️.is 🔗kun


When POTUS says "NY Times" has 6 years left, 7 years left, will continue after he's gone?

All misdirection. When the truth comes out, if it does, they go down. FAST.

He doesn't want them to realize what's coming. Let them continue. Recapulate their mistakes over and over so there is no doubt that they were deliberately and knowingly misleading the public.

Some rumors they've already been arrested? Who knows? They certainly seem in business.

Maybe it'll keep going but just under new leadership?

Anonymous ID: 5350db March 26, 2020, 5 a.m. No.8570345   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0377


Why should he?

Then it would be a regular news outlet

Now it's a back channel.

Which is designed for a purpose.

We're already told POTUS must keep deniability for optics.

Read the coms.