Anonymous ID: 6a8961 March 26, 2020, 4:59 a.m. No.8570342   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0356 >>0369


I had a very weird experience months ago.

It was raining, I was carrying multiple parcels plus an umbrella, and I couldn't properly carry all of that.

Had to cross a street, couldn't properly see, but I saw a woman crossing the street. This made me think the lights must be green.

I started walking, all of a sudden I heard the horn of a bus. I walked 3 steps backwards and the bus missed me. It was so damn close. The lights were actually red, and the woman was a dumbass for crossing the street especially during that weather.

And I was a dumbass for assuming what I assumed.


If I would have started walking 1 second earlier, I would been turned to a pile of meat by the bus (the bus had no way of stopping).

Anonymous ID: 6a8961 March 26, 2020, 5:18 a.m. No.8570426   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Dutroux was a Psyop to get people to waste time 25 years later

>Savile was a psyop to get people to waste time years later

>No one ever abused, sexually abused or killed children

>There is no satanic ritual abuse, the children just made that up

>All of the above is fake and was made to get people to waste their time

>There are no worldwide child trafficking networks going on

>Also don't look into 9/11

>9/11 was just 19 hijackers that just got very very lucky that day, controlled by a C_A operative located in Afghanistan

Have (you) ever thought about that?