This anon believes POTUS's 15-day period during this worldwide pandemic has something to do with changing people's thought patterns (neuroplasticity) to help produce the great awakening.
Mucho information about this on the internet tubes. In a nutshell, this experiment demonstrates how quickly the human brain can be altered (or manipulated with either positive or negative intentions):
"Professor Theodor Erismann, of the University of Innsbruck, devised the experiment, performing it upon his assistant and student, Ivo Kohler.
The professor made Kohler wear a pair of hand-engineered goggles. Inside those goggles, specially arranged mirrors flipped the light that would reach Kohler's eyes, top becoming bottom, and bottom top.
After 10 days, he had grown so accustomed to the invariably upside-down world that, paradoxically and happily, everything seemed to him normal, rightside-up. Kohler could do everyday activities in public perfectly well: walk along a crowded sidewalk, even ride a bicycle."
Seems likely that something like that is going on right now.