Jeremy Vine is a British television chat and topical debate show aired on Channel 5 on weekdays mornings from 9:15 to 11:15am, hosted by Jeremy Vine. The show replaced its long-running predecessor The Wright Stuff, hosted by Matthew Wright for 18 years who announced he would be leaving just before the summer of 2018. The show has the same format, concept and the same filming studio. This show first aired on 3 September 2018 and features celebrity panelists who debate the latest news, views and the headlines.
A feature of the programme was a "multiple choice" or "true or false" quiz question posed before the commercial break, usually based on the next discussion topic. The answer was provided at the start of the next segment. This feature has been carried over into Jeremy Vine.
Questions today:
Birth stone of March?
Mars was the God of what?
Element with Atomic number 26?
Donald Trump's middle name? (hint)
Vaccination released in 1953?
These questions are not coincidence.
The vaccination question leads you down the rabbit hole of "Think AIDS". Jonas Salk.