World Economy and Rudolf Steiner’s Social Threefold Order
…But there is a third sphere in differentiated modern societies which stands between these two poles, relating and harmonising them without compromising them: this is the so-called politico-legal or political-rights sphere. The ideal of equality functions within and shapes this third sphere; democracy itself is founded on the principle of equality – “one person, one vote”.
Consider any legally established human right; a right should apply to every human individual equally, not just to myself but to every “I”. In every right we can see the communal and the individual, the many and the one, converging and interpenetrating. The political-rights sphere, correctly seen, is only mediatory. The Romantic philosophers call the mediatory principle the copula – “that which binds”.[3] The three ideals of liberty, fraternity and equality were proclaimed in the French Revolution in a way which anticipated what now needs to be a consciously articulated social order.