Q if you read this, please investigate Intermountain Healthcare
Here’s a little history for you…
In 1974 all 15 hospitals under IHC as a system were donated to the intermountain community. This was done on the condition that a not-for-profit organization would be formed to operate the hospitals on behalf of the communities they served. The new leadership of the hospital chain was given strict instruction to help the community and be GOOD to its employees.
In 2009, Intermountain Healthcare was identified as a “healthcare model“ by President Barack Obama, "We have long known that some places, like the Intermountain Healthcare. . ., offer high-quality care at cost below average."
We all know if Obama said it, it’s obviously garbage. In fact… several years later in 2016 along comes CEO Marc Harrison former CEO of Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi, chief of international business development at Cleveland Clinic, and chief medical operations officer.
Since Marc Harrison’s arrival, the hospital has become the laughingstock of the community. Piss poor service coupled with TERRIBLE leadership, constant outsourcing and taking away employee benefits, has done nothing but drive prices up and community satisfaction down. WE ARENT EVEN ALLOWED TO HAVE ANYTHING WITH SUGAR IN IT. All our vending machines are filled with aspartame and synthetic bullshit. There is not 1 doctor, nurse, or other employee that speaks highly of Marc or the board of directors. He walks around with a security detail because he is maybe the second most hated man in the state of Utah, Romney being 1st. With a CEO yearly salary of 7+ million dollars, there is ABSOLUTELY no reason that intermountain healthcare should receive even 1 penny of the 2 Trillion dollar stimulus package. Recently diagnosed with cancer… he flew the company jet back East for his treatments. He doesn’t trust his own workers.
Recently during a Q&A with administration in a company wide meeting, we doctors, nurses, and all other medical staff There was concern that full time employees would lose benefits because of recent hospital changes, causing budgeted FTEs to not meet their required hours, with no way to make those hours up. We were were not given an answer, only told that we were expendable, and that if we wanted to make a CEO salary we should have majored in business management. Many of us don’t want to be in management positions, we became healthcare workers to help the lives of those around us. But it’s impossible to serve others when we walk around with an ever tightening noose around our neck.
Idk if you will see this Q, but I sure hope in some of those indictments are some of the heads of IHC. If not, they should be… robbing the community of what used to be amazing healthcare. Many amazing doctors and nurses have already moved out of the company and some out of state to get out of the IHC boundaries.
IHC employee