>>8570752 (lb)
>>8570813 (lb)
No. Local home health offices switched to phone meetings, and home health providers are able to consult over the phone for now. I told a story about how wifeanon's head Dr. mentioned they believed they may have had a patient and their family come in for treatment, but found out later that the full truth was they didn't test them because they were at "intubation stage", yet. The Dr. said that she believed they "could have had" the virus, but and official diagnosis was not given.
The hypochondriacs came out of the wood work, and as more time passes, I haven't heard about any ACTUAL infections proven/diagnosed with ACTUAL tests; just the spam on MSM, and the webpages being used to track infections. I have heard from folks that they National Guard and other unmarked law enforcement presence growing - I have seen the unmarked show of force myself over the past few weeks, doing meetups in church and other parking lots, but no green suiters/tanks. A neighboring town, and the one I live in, just declared shutdown of everything non-essential. Where I live, this is a bit of a shocker considering how sleepy this place is, normally.
I'm definitely leaning more into the theory of roundups happening while everyone is safe in their homes quarantining. Compare COVID-19 numbers with any yearly flu, and it's laughable the reaction this fucking thing is getting. Again, not saying there isn't a virus running around. Q's latest post does seem to infer this was not only intentional, but intended to have a very specific affect. I'm confident patriots are responding, and those ships sailing around are picking up people. The panic mode from celebs with the crazy comms seem like a support group of "don't rat me out, and I won't rat you out".
Just this anon's opinion.