R U taking notes, anon?
Hello doc, from the gy
just here briefly, can't sleep
yes, i saw
he should be able to make it by @600
if he's off at 11am et
will just hang and watch for now….
Nice notes!
'you first nigga' ha-ha-ha….
bred title idea:
Q Research General #10975: Covid-19 Vaccine for All? "You First Nigga!" Edition
trying to come up with an "intro to baking" paragraph for baking school dough. thinking up bred titles is a fun break.
creativity with bred titles varies with me, depends on timing
one time i got to bred around @630 and actually managed to pick up notes and bake but with a boring title
someone else ebaked with a funny title but no notes
anon unhappy with boring bred title, ha-ha-ha.
i forgot for the first time this week to put in pic right away–came back to bite me when i baked.
maybe see ya later at baker class?
have a good next bake.
>notables tips tricks etc
for baking class?
drop em there and i'll pick em up for dough
in #6 thread
if later, in #7 thread
shakin' in muh boots, kek.