Anonymous ID: eb319a March 26, 2020, 7:11 a.m. No.8571083   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1128 >>1135 >>1141 >>1151 >>1281

I'm loving the end of the war! I probably won't live to see us wrap it up and begin to enjoy the spoils, what a pity.


So much sacrifice for the greater good.


But one thing constantly bothers me; it's the persecution of Julian Assange. Is the man at Belmarsh the real Assange? If so, is there any chance he'll live? I have first hand knowledge of the type of torture he is going through. If, if he survives this he will not be the same man who first went into the Ecuadoin (prison) oops, I mean embassy. His mental capacity has diminished.

If he is the real Assange, then I have to say that the English government are savages. They haven't risen from the 16th century. And our government wants to be allies?


There was much rumination last night about the PORK in this bill. Did you have to conceed this abomination in order for it to be passed, or is this part of the plan?


Your+ plan/people has become weak, no backbone.

Did you+ think we'd just sit here and bow down and do your bidding? You+ lost some people yesterday and you know it. But hey, there will have to be sacrifices. The people you lost were experienced here. We have been here probably since the beginning.

You+ also know that the quality of researchers on this board has dropped.

Timing is everything, did you anticipate what is happening on the board? Probably?

Others on other sites are doing better research than on this board and you+ know it. This board is a jump start, a catalyst. You+ set it up that way. Don't fool yourselves (+) we see all this. Don't be alarmed, this is the only place I'd write something like this, I wouldn't want the world to know that even on the board there are benevolent watchers, but somewhat dissapointed at the deterioration.

Anonymous ID: eb319a March 26, 2020, 7:18 a.m. No.8571136   🗄️.is 🔗kun



If you look at all the surrounding documents you'll know it is a bioweapon. It just didn't perform as well as they had hoped. We were lucky that our leader saw this and saved us. We still have a lot of work to do.

This also showed us how much the last two presidencies sold us out. We will now be able to reconsruct our country even better than we thought! Awesome.

Anonymous ID: eb319a March 26, 2020, 7:25 a.m. No.8571185   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1196



I cannot spill it. It is not the same experience. But nontheless, confinement restricts the operating brain function. If Julian is very strong he

'll come out of this, but he'll have to fight to regain full capacity.

Anonymous ID: eb319a March 26, 2020, 7:48 a.m. No.8571383   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I knew it would be like this. Actually I thouht it would be worse. In an odd way this now seems worse. We have become used to instant gratification. The reality of timing has become different than the false dichotomy we have been indoctrinated into believing.