Anonymous ID: 1c05c8 March 26, 2020, 8:42 a.m. No.8571952   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1964 >>1982 >>2003 >>2128 >>2150 >>2162 >>2324 >>2458

'Listen up dipshits': Kentucky mayor issues profane warning for residents to stay home amid coronavirus


A Kentucky mayor resorted to profanity to get his warning on the coronavirus across to constituents. Walton Mayor Gabe Brown posted a message of warning to residents on a Facebook group page Monday, asserting their families may die from COVID-19 if they don't practice social distancing.


'“Listen up dipshits and sensible people. I might not have the best bedside manor. I might not put you at ease like the Governor does, but I don’t care. You need to realize that this is a serious ordeal. In fact, it’s a big f**cking deal. Stay at home,” Brown began his post. "Take it seriously. It is here. Act like you have the virus and don’t spread it to other people. I have no doubt that it hasn’t already been here, but testing had been limited. More cases are coming. If you ignore this problem, the worst thing that could happen is that your mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, aunts, uncles could die. Be responsible. If you don’t, then screw you," he continued, signing off with "warmest regards."


The Facebook post has since been shared more than 2,500 times and has gained more than 3,000 positive reactions. More than 490,000 people have tested positive for the coronavirus globally. Of those, at least 22,000 have died from it, and more than 118,000 have recovered. The United States has seen at least 69,000 confirmed cases, with more than 1,000 deaths and 619 reported recoveries.

Mayor Gabe Brown Facebook

Anonymous ID: 1c05c8 March 26, 2020, 8:52 a.m. No.8572078   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2162 >>2324 >>2458

Kosovo government voted out after bungling coronavirus response


Lawmakers in the Republic of Kosovo have voted to collapse Prime Minister Albin Kurti's government after he refused to install protective measures against the spread of the coronavirus in the European country. Kurti's government was dismissed by a 82-32 vote of no confidence on Wednesday after weeks of downplaying concerns about the pandemic. On March 19, the leader tweeted that "a state of emergency is unnecessary and baseless."


This week, Kurti implemented new measures to curb movement within the country after more than 60 people died from the illness, but his refusal to declare a state of emergency drove leaders from within his own political party to form a coalition against him. Such a declaration would have given more power to his rival, President Hashim Thaci. United States Ambassador to Kosovo Philip S. Kosnett welcomed the vote, suggesting Kurti did not "respect the Constitution" after the prime minister spent weeks arguing with foreign ministers over a proposed American peace deal in the region.


French and German officials rejected the vote, however, saying in a statement shared to Facebook that "Kosovo needs a stable and fully functioning government to deal with this crisis." Additionally, more than 10,000 citizens in Kosovo signed a petition rejecting the no-confidence vote and accused politicians of a “lack of responsibility for the public interest and civic welfare.” United States Ambassador to Kosovo Philip S. Kosnett welcomed the vote, suggesting Kurti did not "respect the Constitution" after the prime minister spent weeks arguing with foreign ministers over a proposed American peace deal in the region.


French and German officials rejected the vote, however, saying in a statement shared to Facebook that "Kosovo needs a stable and fully functioning government to deal with this crisis." Additionally, more than 10,000 citizens in Kosovo signed a petition rejecting the no-confidence vote and accused politicians of a “lack of responsibility for the public interest and civic welfare.” Kurti will remain as prime minister until a new government is formed, but it remains unclear how Kosovo will hold elections as the number of people infected by the coronavirus continues to accelerate in Europe and around the globe.

Anonymous ID: 1c05c8 March 26, 2020, 9:03 a.m. No.8572177   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2206

Michael Bloomberg is breaking campaign finance law before your very eyes


As the coronavirus spreads across the U.S., the 2020 election has become an afterthought. One of Joe Biden’s recent social media livestreams struggled to reach even 10,000 viewers — a testament to the current situation, if also to Biden’s lack of charisma. Meanwhile, President Trump is reaching millions of Americans on a daily basis, leading us through the public health crisis and even garnering praise from political opponents.


But Democrats aren’t going away. They still want to end the Trump presidency come Election Day — their goal since 2016. Leading the charge is Michael Bloomberg, who just finished blowing through nearly $1 billion in his failed attempt to buy the Democratic nomination. Having proved there’s no amount of money that will make Americans vote for someone they don’t want to vote for, “Mayor Mike” is now trying to buy the party itself. Instead of running his own super PAC, Bloomberg recently decided to transfer $18 million in remaining funds from his defunct presidential campaign to the Democratic National Committee. Just one problem: This $18 million gift is illegal. It is a bedrock principle of law that you cannot do through another what you cannot do yourself. And Bloomberg is violating that principle by seeking to take advantage of a supposed loophole in the law that doesn’t actually exist so as to blow away contribution limits.


Bloomberg contributed nearly $1 billion of his personal funds to his presidential campaign committee, without raising a single dollar from private contributors. He is entitled to waste as much of his own money on his own candidacy as he likes, as long as it’s all reported to the Federal Election Commission. However, after failing to buy the votes he needed, Bloomberg now plans to take advantage of an FEC rule that allows campaigns to contribute unlimited money to national and state parties. But every dime of it comes from Bloomberg's personal bank account, and it is illegal for one person to contribute such large sums to a political party.


The loophole that Bloomberg is seeking to exploit doesn’t actually exist. Campaign finance law distinguishes between contributions and expenditures. Bloomberg can expend as much as he wants on his own race. Contributing his own personal funds to his campaign is the proper and efficient way to expend those funds. But using those same funds to then make a contribution to the DNC is outside the scope of the law. It’s highly technical, but it’s the difference between Bloomberg getting away with this farce and his being held accountable for it, along with the DNC.


Bloomberg and the Democrats are making a mockery of campaign finance law. If they can do this, then any billionaire can buy a party or an election by simply forming a personal, self-funded campaign committee and then laundering money through it after going through the motions of a campaign. Democrats should be ashamed of this assault on campaign finance law and basic decency. That they should sell their party to Bloomberg is a testament to their deep abiding hatred of Trump.


Will it work? Of course not. Voters still support Trump over what’s left of the Democratic Party, regardless of Bloomberg’s dirty tactics. If anything, Bloomberg’s brazenness will inspire Americans to side with President Trump even more enthusiastically. But Americans deserve better from one of America’s two major parties. Obsessed with President Trump, power-hungry, lawbreaking Democrats continue to let us down.

Anonymous ID: 1c05c8 March 26, 2020, 9:15 a.m. No.8572285   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2302 >>2333

Planned Parenthood sues Texas over order to stop elective abortions during coronavirus pandemic


Planned Parenthood and other abortion rights advocates filed a lawsuit against top Texas officials over a ban on abortion services during the coronavirus pandemic. The groups are asking for a court for an immediate temporary restraining order to block the ban from going into effect. The lawsuit, filed Wednesday in the Western District of Texas, argues that the state’s ban is unconstitutional and deprives people "of their fundamental right to determine when and whether to have a child or to add to their existing families."


Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, on Monday, ordered that all abortions "not medically necessary to preserve the life or health" of the mother must be temporarily stopped as part of the state’s mandate to suspend nonessential procedures and open up resources to combat the coronavirus. "Elected leaders are expending valuable time and resources exploiting a global pandemic to score political points instead of rallying to respond to this crisis,” said Alexis McGill Johnson, acting president and chief executive officer of Planned Parenthood Federation of America.


Paxton asserted that it is abortion providers who are acting in bad faith. “It is unconscionable that abortion providers are fighting against the health of Texans and withholding desperately needed supplies and personal protective equipment in favor of a procedure that they refer to as a ‘choice,’” he tweeted.

Anonymous ID: 1c05c8 March 26, 2020, 9:27 a.m. No.8572387   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2441 >>2464

'We want people to stop working': Reporter expresses disappointment that record US jobless numbers aren't higher


A journalist at the Atlantic lamented that the record number of jobless claims reported this week did not come in at a higher tally. "It would be better if the 3.3 million initial-claims number were higher," tweeted Annie Lowrey, a staff writer at the Atlantic. "We want people to stop working to help stem the public-health catastrophe." Lowrey added, "We want UI to cover everyone who has lost work." It would be better if the 3.3 million initial-claims number were higher: We want people to stop working to help stem the public-health catastrophe, and we want UI to cover everyone who has lost work. — Annie Lowrey (@AnnieLowrey) March 26, 2020


The U.S. Department of Labor reported on Thursday that claims for unemployment benefits reached 3.3 million last week, as thousands of companies have been forced to lay off employees amid the coronavirus pandemic. Thursday's weekly jobless total was the most since September 1982.


President Trump has made repeated promises to get the economy back open as early as Easter Sunday, April 12. "Our country was not mean to be shut down," Trump said. At the same time, the president has suggested his political opponents and some members of the national press corps are rooting for the U.S. economy to fail in hopes that such a slide would hurt his reelection chances in November. "The media would like to see me do poorly in the election," Trump said during a briefing with reporters on Wednesday. "There are certain people that would like it not to open so quickly. … I think it's very clear that there are people in your profession that write fake news."


Early Thursday, the Senate passed a $2 trillion economic relief bill that is expected to put money in the hands of people affected by the slowed U.S. economy. In the United States, more than 68,000 people have contracted the coronavirus, and more than 1,000 people have died as of Wednesday. Dozens of states across the country have closed bars, restaurants, and other nonessential businesses in an attempt to slow the spread of the virus, leading to mass layoffs and a tanking stock market.


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