who still does coke? so 80s…..
right….there was yellow Bolivian and pink Peruvian (pictured) and then all of a sudden it was spongy weird shit that was like rocket fuel….ergo, not Bernice anymore…..
not the same….they used to "freebase" back in the day when there was pink and yellow…. but crack is some kind of offshoot from the spongy weird coke that was developed in the 80s…. like shatter is to flowers
who knows?….used to be guys up in the mountains of south america squeezing alkaloid oils from plant leaves and mixing with HCl to turn into a salt….cut a little bit so it could be absorbed….pink was flaky, yellow was like little pebbles…. then these big snowball things came around in the 80s….fake garage…..crack came right behind it….
i thought crack was like smoking pure freebase coke (remove the impurities and cut)…never did freebase, just heard about it….did not know what you mention as I never did crack either…. thought similar to a dab product in that the active ingredient is separated from leaves, etc…with butane, etc….(not comparing processes)…but we just did old time coke and weed back then…nothing as complicated as today with all the pharma influence…..i am cool with just the plants and fungi God gave us….
i see that now! do not know much about the new stuff (after circa 1984) … yins will get me up to speed quick like…
Rock Hudson was still considered a stud amongst the ladies when we were snorting Bernice….dating myself, badly, but can one help when one was born?…..
granular lunch, Pepe?
that was my understanding (that they were similar)…so the baking soda is the thing that allows the salt to turn back into an alkaloid… and not an additive. thanks for the clarity
and i hear vaping, the chemicals change because of the high heat…. lungs know smoke, but do they know vapor? everything has to be so damned complicated…like a fucking tax return
"what crisis?" - Joe
the 'pope', too, is now an "eh" with this particular clown pope. … but otherwise would have shocked the world ; Soros would be no shock either ; the only indictment that would shock me is Obama only because he seems to skate everything : or Trump can have himself indicted and swerve everyone, badly….now that would be shocking
parachute pants are back? oh boy….
who is the governor? Comrade Wolf by any chance?