Barr said "we have to do all we can to rid the country of this corrupt cabal" (Venezuela)
I had the distinct impression Barr is referring VZ and the USA also.
AG Barr - was asked:
Durham statement - US/Columbia people are conspiring wrt drugs
Barr: Highlight to the world & US people that this was put in place and victimized them
Smart people NEVER did coke.
AG Barr presser
Barr: We're no longer policemen of the world, just policemen of America, but this activity (drugs) directly impacts Americans
Politico Q (didn't catch but about asset forfeiture)
A: $ 450M siezed in Miami from bank account(s)
foreign $$ coming in impacts S Florida housing market, pricing out normal Floridians
It's a District, not a State or Territory. D.C was taken equally out of MD & VA because both bitched about their land being taken unequally, thinking that it weakened their respective positions. So the District is 1/2 of each.
>Silly justification to make yourself feel better.
No. Really smart people learn from others' mistakes and don't bother trying it.
Utterly retarded leftist bullshit devoid of commonsense.
Employees work for businesses, many are incorporated (corp), and the stimulus is intended to keep businesses alive until the quarantine ends and EMPLOYEES can go back to work for BUSINESSES without people having to all startup businesses again.
It's really a simple concept.
This is not bank bailout 2.0 - none of the businesses affected today made bad decisions and screwed over the public and their employees, so different actions are being taken.
My comment was not about whether it was lawful or not, just stipulating that it is not a 'territory' it is a District. A narrow factual point, and I'm not interested in arguing about or discussing the corporate US stuff with you or anyone else right now
One more time for the tard
EMPLOYEES work FOR businesses
The majority of businesses in the US are small to medium size. It's vitally important that they be saved.