Maybe all those illegal aliens here from those caravans are seeing this and ready to head back…KEK!
Venezuela is the "Look here".
While arrests here in the US get started up.
"Pay to Play Scheme"…who else was doing that shit….Hilldawg!!!
Yup, a coup that was started back in the Obutma admin.
Waiting for them to travel is bullshit.
We have very well trained BLACK OPS operators ready to go in a heart beat.
We used the military to get to Noreaga.
Wasn't China and Russia helping out Venezuela in the past few years?
Just like there is no method of annexing a foreign nation as a state.
Sounds about right…KEK!
Starting to think so myself, but not going to hold my breath.
Unless you grow in coco-coir, then you have to add chemicals to simulate the nutrients.
Board getting really slow now.