What do you do if your Trump and Q and want a dramatic reason to stop NAFTA and begin the deportations of millions of illegals? You take over the lefts power positions….you force them to do things in public more and more insane to bring the stark reality of the situation home to the sleeping normies.
When illegals sneak across in ones and two's and tens it is easy to dismiss the hordes as sad people needing help. But this invasion moving across Mexico is Potus attempt to show the reality for what it is…a fucking invasion of our country.
Sure the left is behind it…but at the top they are being forced into it by Q and Potus because we have all their blackmail material they used on each other before. Now those Satanist are forced to do our bidding….we are using their own groups to redpill the masses.
Watch. That horde will never make it to Texas. Potus is just using the visuals of it to rally the Patriots to his line of thinking.
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