Anonymous ID: ed97b5 April 1, 2018, 9:25 a.m. No.860078   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0205

How March For Our Lives got permit before shooting?


Good morning,


In reference to your inquiry concerning the March For Our Lives Demonstration, here in the District of Columbia on March 24, 2018. MPD received a permit application several months prior to the actual event, and there was several months of planning for this large event.


If your are requesting additional information reference this event, please follow the below steps to file your Freedom of Information Act request:




If your have any additional question sor concerns, please feel free in contacting me directly.


Officer Scott C. Earhardt, Badge No. 2372


Homeland Security Bureau

Special Operations Division

Planning and Logistics

Metropolitan Police Department

2850 New York Ave., N.E.

Washington, D.C. 20002

202-671-6529 (Office)

202-671-6522 (Planning)

202-671-6511 (Station)




Anonymous ID: ed97b5 April 1, 2018, 9:36 a.m. No.860162   🗄️.is 🔗kun



President Donald Trump surprised even the most senior members of his Cabinet when he announced Thursday during a speech in Ohio that the U.S. military would be "coming out of Syria, like, very soon," according to a senior administration official and a U.S. official familiar with the matter.




President Donald Trump, having this week signalled a possible withdrawal of American troops from Syria, has ordered the state department to suspend more than $200m (£140m) in funds for recovery efforts there while the administration reassesses its role in the conflict, administration officials said on Friday.