Thank you Baker.
Thank you Baker.
Hope would be hotter if she had better taste in the guys she dates.
She dates fuckwits โฆ and that's really unattractive ion a lady.
Sorry .. but it just is.
>is 8kun getting DOSd or is it just me?
This is just a garbage platform โฆ cheap as shit.
Tells you a lot about "MI Trump insider' Q .. doesn't it?
>Q is a friendly extra-terrestrial half-spiritual human whose race colonized this world before Atlantis fell in the biblical flood
There is more "proof" of this than of Q being a MI insider working with Trump to drain the swamp, as Q claims.
>So why are you here,
This is your go-to response, isn't it, Qfag?
I pointed this out last bread.
Every one of you assholes trying to get rid of Q doubters like me use this stupid response.
That's a Yuuuuge Red Flag.
I am here because I support Trump and think that this bullshit board is garbage.
But, why worry your little pussy about me, Qtard? Why an I such a bother to you? Such a bother that you rely on a scripted response to try and get rid of me?
>I meant we or us,
Then say "we" or "us' โฆ fag.
This isn't some 5th grade English class, ffs.
>if you are trying to convert the faithful
I really don't give one single fuck about you Qtards โฆ you "faithful". You idiots are too stupid to see the missed everything of Q's posts. You are too stupid to see Trump's denial of Q.
You are too fucking stupid to live, if we're honest.
>"We have it all, we know everything, we know who is who"
Then Q knows exactly who I am .. and where to find me.
I don't post behind a VPN, like a pussy .. like pussy Q posts.
I have ZERO fear of Q and whatever the fuck Q is running โฆ
Why do you think that I have no fear of Q ?
this is an easy question โฆ even for you Qtards.
>But threatening to kill everyone here will hurt your cause
Nobody threatened to kill anyone, Susie.
I said that Qtards don't deserve to live.
Yuuuge difference โฆ except to a snowflake leftard.
Your change of my words gives you away โฆ
>Lady Gaga's dad seeks donations
His mandaughter is worth millions. .. why not ask her/him/xer ?
>Swiss coronavirus death toll reaches 235,
How many fags died of AIDS in the same time period?
Our country has been shut down for bullshit โฆ and Trump is complicit โฆ sorry, but he is.
I'll still vote for him, but Trump fucked this up by being the same kind of pussy as GW Bush was with the bankers bailout.
Facts is facts.
>Given your excitability and lack of self-control, I think youโd do it if you could.
>Now please go kill yourself.
>You donโt fear Q because you are not evil and have done no wrong.
I fear no man. I fear only God.
Q is nowhere clsoe to God.
But, more simply, Q is a garbage larp.
There is ZERO to fear from Q. ZERO.
>Hopefully not too much because you suck at stirring shit.
I'm not here to stir shit.
You may be here to do that โฆ but I amnot.
And I amnot paid โฆ you may be, but I am not.
You are too stupid to understand why I am here.
Not a bother to me .. just scroll on by and you won't have to worry your little pussy any more.
These are the new talk-down points from you Qfags, yes?
Too obvious โฆ just like very ShariaBlew post on twatter/reddit.
So obvious.
>who is this 22 post
Are we counting everyone's posts?
Is this like 5th grade, and the winner gets a sucker?
Are you the judge because I can bring you and apple โฆ
>That is a series of assertions. Are they accurate? Possible double or hidden meanings?