Anonymous ID: 378f62 March 28, 2020, 5:51 a.m. No.8597644   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7689 >>7692 >>7996

City council anon here. I remember seeing notables a few weeks ago about Honeywell but I didn’t take the time to lurk . We just entered into a contract with them. Any anons have an opinion on the possible fuckery?

Anonymous ID: 378f62 March 28, 2020, 6:55 a.m. No.8598058   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8084

This was copypasta from March 2018 from here. Inderdasting. It’s almost like we knew this was going to happen


Dont forget: The FED is going to end during The Storm, and there is going to be a new currency system put in place in America - gold backed again.

In order for the new system to be installed, the old system had to be neutralized and safeguards put in place.

The stock market doing its funny business a few weeks ago was just the cabal taking all their money out of it. This was by design and at the orders of the white hats and Trump, as they wanted to prevent the cabal from having any type of influence over it.

As everyone has been patiently waiting (well most of us), the white hats have been implementing the new currency system, arresting all the corrupt bankers (there are tons), working with countries like China, Russia, Germany, etc, to get on board with the new currency and exchange rates, and make sure everyone is on board and ready for this. The cutting the strings of the Central Banks didnt just involve America, it involved breaking their hold EVERYWHERE, as this is truly the only way it can be done.

This HAD to be done before the arrests and indictments and public disclosures began. This was not about doing it the way WE wanted, but the correct way, the way it HAD to be done, for the sake of humankind

the arrests of all the big names we want have to wait until the indictments are unsealed (due process, much less trying to avoid looking like a power abusing dictator)

that being said, the Inspector General report will blow the lid off everything and will force the unsealing of alot of indictments…its coming soon the white hats needed to neutralize the cabal and take away their threat, before moving forward with the arrests, etc. The cabal is neutralized.

Signing a third EO was the final step. It's an EO that makes our new currency system official. It could not be signed until cabal was neutralized, as they could've infiltrated it and hurt it.

The EO was secretly signed the night of 2/28 - morning of 3/1 *Trump tweeting and introducing IG M Horowitz, saying he is an Obama guy, and "attacking" Sessions was not random, and not without purpose. Trump announcing he is running for re-election in 2020 (earliest a POTUS has ever done that) was also very purposeful and intentional.

Notice Trump the past week or so, reiterating all the stats such as trade is the best ever, unemployement low, manufacturing is high, jobless claims low, consumer confidence high, etc. - he is doing this to create confidence in our country because of what's about to happen

so the thing with this new currency system is that the stock market will have to crash for it to go into effect.

This is very important, and if this is the only takeaway from my post, this needs to be it. The stock market is going to go down…not to 0, but probably enough to scare alot of people. This is by design, and at the discretion of the white hats, although they cant tell you this. Please please please don't panic and freak out, this is the single greatest fear of the white hats.

This is SUPPOSED to happen, and WILL happen. But it will come back up and will be fixed. It's a necessary part of the storm, and other leaders of other countries have been briefed on this, and know to expect it, as it will happen in their countries too, not just USA.

Also, stop worrying about the midterms lol. You think Trump doesnt have a plan? You think he went through all this trouble of saving planet Earth just to lose the midterms?!

The Democratic party might not even exist in 8 months. Or it might be similar to the Nazi Party in that people are ashamed to acknowledge they even support it. Alot is going to happen between now and then, and its more than you've ever seen in a history book. We might not even recognize our own country in 8 months.

Trust the timing of everything. There is a reason the IG report is not out yet. There is a reason it will happen exactly when it happens. Many things behind the scenes you could not possibly ever know or understand had to happen first.

Neutralizing the most powerful and most rich deeply connected people in the world isn't as easy as just arresting them. No, Trump doesnt want to fire Mueller, or Rosenstein, or Sessions, or Horowitz, etc. Don't fall for the meaningless breaking news traps. No Trump will not get in trouble for Russia collusion, because he didnt collude with Russia.

Also important; During The Storm there will be a push to impeach Trump stronger than you've ever seen. It will be a blitzkrieg. He will be called Hitler, a dictator, abusing his power, weaponizing the DOJ, etc. Millenials will riot