Anonymous ID: 91f386 March 28, 2020, 5:49 a.m. No.8597630   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7657 >>7753 >>7950


It can also be a figure of speech. As in "your ass is fucked."

>i'm so sick of how people have been herded to accept this.

Blame the laws of nature. In the animal kingdom, that's a way to assert dominance over another. In prison, it is both dominance and the fact that they're not exactly co-ed dorms. Face it, people just need to bust a nut sometimes. But go ahead and let them feelz out.

Anonymous ID: 91f386 March 28, 2020, 5:59 a.m. No.8597690   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7729 >>7753 >>7764


Didn't say I condoned it and they're really not supposed to do it; it's still rape even in prison. Not a fan of the private prison system and never was. People should have to pay their debt back to whomever they wronged in some way as opposed to just being locked in a cage so some fat boss hog warden can collect his $124 per day(or whatever it is) per inmate and victimless/non-violent "crimes" should also not be an issue. While I'm at it I'm also not a fan of police being the biggest gang in America collecting revenue off citizens either.

Anonymous ID: 91f386 March 28, 2020, 6:23 a.m. No.8597855   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7879 >>7891


Just looked it up and briefly read enough to get the gist. Yea, see now I believe that someone who drugs and rapes over 200 victims is irredeemable and should just be dispatched. The Judge should also lose their position and the organization should have been shut down.


> Money for inmates is a wild accusation

Except for the fact I had a family member serve 3 years and they were told exactly how much the facility got per day for each inmate.

>a series of businesses that use the prisoner labor as a means for them to 'work' off their sentences.

No different than slave labor and that's another one of the problems. They should have to pay the debt back to whomever they wronged.


>Stop being anti-Semitic.

Sure, as long as they stop being anti-gentile first with all their policies, organizations, foundations, etc. It's quite clear they won't though and they'll never agree to go back to the principles this Country was meant to be.


That's because the establishment who allows their narratives to get out wants it to be that way. There was a time when America wouldn't even accept immigrants if they were so much as known to be a drunk. A lot of people couldn't handle or fathom going back to the original laws of the land. If you read Agenda 2030, you'll start to see why so much "diversity" and "muh stronk, black, 105lbs female" can be the star of a big movie, going around knocking out 250lbs men with one punch.