Ready for booms
14 And God said, “Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times, and days and years,
17 minutes you say? Kek…. they would have voted demoncrat anyway in that hell hole
Is pelosi hidden behind a phalanx of useful idiots? No.
Why the surprise. This world was given to Satan to deliver to whoever would worship him. Jesus declined when tempted. These creatures accepted. The heathen rage for they know their time is short
Speculative. Maybe. I am an oilfag and once we abandon a field we don’t go back…… but then there is muhpermian
You don’t fear Q because you are not evil and have done no wrong. Congrats
We are told that all things are possible through faith. Maybe that cuts both ways. Their faith has been strong while ours has been eroded. But the seasons turn… and here we are now. The greatest epoch in the history of mankind.
God would not have forbidden dabbling in the occult and necromancing etc if it were all bollix. I think you are correct. Our prayers are more powerful than theirs because we worship a living god who reigns forever. Not a fallen star soon extinguished
Brilliant… but the conundrum remains. The concept of the plan succeeding is not consistent with revelations or the New Testament. As much as I like it
And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
Manifest destiny? Perhaps god knows a thing or two about bloodlines? Maybe the begats do matter
Culturally appropriated
Get the fuck out if here. In the animal kingdom anal sex doesn’t exist. You sir are a Moran who has not even observed his surroundings.
Heads on a pike… those would have been interring times. Would be could to know real history if they had not stole it.
Ah the animal desire to establish a pecking order. How fortunate anon disables this primal response
In 1980 I attended a Honeywell TDC 2000 course. The first total distributed control system. Two years later the Toshiba tosdic system kicked its arse. Then got obliterate by who knows who.
Great thanks
Fucken magic anon