>how they report what they have been hiding for decades.
Maybe it would be better to look forward? Not sure how much the people could handle at being swindled that wouldn't end up in chaos and violence. We should see a transition away from the FED back to the Treasury where 'We The People' are invested in our own future. The wealthy will still have a lot of money, but stocks are paper assets whose valuations could get out of hand. The wild gyrations we see on Wall St. might be a way of purging the bad to establish a more reasonable valuation. 20k or 25k on the Dow might seem reasonable, but FB, GOOG, and AMZN are absurdly priced. We need a gold backed international monetary system, and that is where the Global Collateral Accounts will establish the baseline moving forward. Will take 6 months for the dust to settle on what was recently signed into law.