Jesus is not a metaphor. He said that the ONLY way to make it to the Father is through Him.
I'm not saying that people who do not believe in Jesus or relegate him to a new age enlightened being or prophet are incapable of being good human beings.
What I am saying, and this has proven time and time again to be correct, is that ideologies who deny that Christ is ultimately the only way through which mankind can be saved are always mistaken if well-intentioned at best and satanic at worst.
Remember, test the spirits. If a revolution happens and there is a new state of affairs in the world, ask then whether these new powers accord Jesus His rightful place. You cannot make it to God unless it is through Jesus' sacrifice and grace. You are NOT God and Jesus is not just an enlightened being nor do all religions possess the same degree of truth. That is not to say that through Jesus Christ immense, unimanigable Graces can be give to humans, but in any spiritual matter always test whether the spirit behind the things professes Christ in the right manner.
‘I tell you the truth,’ Jesus answered, ‘before Abraham was born, I AM!’ Do not believe it when they try to reduce Jesus into a merely an enlightened being in an unholy conglomerate of false ecumenism, gnosticism, new age and other false teachings.