We posted this message the other day for The Conclave.
We did not know the original Trump image had an embedded code.
(It must have been put there by the cabal in the original link:
The Illuminated Suns of the Golden Dawn
Protocols of the Illuminated Suns of the Golden Dawn
http:// themillenniumreport.com/2018/03/protocols-of-the-illuminated-suns-of-the-golden-dawn/
(Check the image on this site, to see if it has the embedded code. We are not sure on which site we found the image, but may be the above link).
So we have re-created the message and are posting it now with a new image, hopely this time without any embedded text message. Here it goes:
See next post….
Continued from previous post…
We are the original creators of the terms:
① The Quiet Storm.
② The Calm Before The Storm.
③ The Storm.
► The plan to use the MIL for arrests was covered by others as far back as 2013.
Q came-in and created a psy-op and stole these terms from us and also combined material from many sources into this Q psy-op.
Then Q come in and used White Hat CICADA phrases and predictions from a year ago, used the predictions which AIM made first and also used the language, phrases and information almost verbatum from Edward Snowden. He has also released a fake John Podesta e-mail that was not even from him and claimed the NSA released it. He also incorporated material from 2013 produced by Benjamin Fullford, Drake, David Wilkerson and others, about the idea of doing military arrests. Then two weeks ago Q said the next week would be huge and he kept posting “BOOM” “BOOM” “BOOM” “BOOM” . And what happened the next week? The terrorist bombing in Texas is all, but nothing else big. He then claimed Hillary was under detention almost a year ago, while a short while ago she was on vacation in Hawaai at the same time the clowns via a rogue sub tried to nuke Hawaai and Japan, to start WWIII between the U.S. and North Korea. Nothing Q has predicted has come true, but many things he has predicted have not. Q is just some rogue group mixing a hodge-podge of information he steals from various sources, then claims to be MIL Intel. He doxed himself the other day, saying “You failed”, in a knee jerk reaction, not realizing he was only doxing himself, by exposing the clowns rigging of the chans, exposing Jeff Sessions and all the SES criminals and revealing his stupidity thinking he was dealing with some ignorant AIM group. Sorry, fake Q has been exposed and the attached document reveals his precise agenda. See the link also and discover the truth. Be ignorant no longer. We are the legit Q.
Fake Q is a CIA shill. He uses CICADA and other material he steals to try to sound legit. CICADA itself appears to be a CIA creation, in fact. Some members of CICADA claim to be the original creators of Q anon. There was never any legit Q anon that is not connected to either CICADA or the CIA. Code Monkey claims that the current Q was comped someone in January or possibly even before. Some who claim they have spoken with Code Monkey testify to this. Current Q attacks those exposing him because he is a dis-info agent, colluding with all of these SES crime syndicate members - Sessions, Wray, Comey, Rosenstein, McCabe,Peter Strzok, Mueller , many others and the 500 SES lawyers in the DOJ, all trying to take-down Trump. Gowdy is also actually propping-up Hillary as well. Jeff Sessions getting something done? Ya, right. Has thousands of lawyers at the corrupted DOJ yet can only find one lawyer to investigate that which Congress wants to be in charge of. And he claims to have assigned some mysterious agent outside of D.C. to investigate, yet nobody knows who it is, not even Congress. This is just a cover-up. Either Sessions reveals the name now, cooperated with Congress or he must be impeached and removed immediately. Fake Q has failed miserably because he is telling you to trust Sessions and Wray – TWO SES CRIME SYNDICATE MEMBERS. Do you guys even know what SES is and how it is a criminal organization trying to take-down Trump? Sorry, you failed miserably fake Q! Wake-up you retarded anons on 8-chan. This rogue anonymous movement is connected to the Nazis, to Soros, to the worse scum on the Internet! We will continue to expose you clown agents, all of you, working on the chan to discredit those exposing your crimes! Just as Hillary and the SES 18 guns for hire are guilty of murder, Q is also guilty of colluding with these SES criminals to try to take-down Trump by propping-up Sessions, an SES member, who via the 500 lawyers at the DOJ, are manipulating the entire government agencies, all working to take-down Trump! Wake-up everyone!! Smell the coffee !
Continued next post….