___Gold shall destroy FED__
How do we stand relative to the World in a Reset?
US has over $600 billion at market value.
Going Gold will force others to or their fiat will eventually devalue to nothing.
Could the Central Banks be testing BTC to create digital to compete with Gold, since that may be the only way they survive?
US has the most stated reserves double that of Germany, to dig more we would have to compare countries GNP to reserves to ascertain who wins and loses during a reset, that would factor in the need for foreign trade and exchange, and likely Gold would require exactly what Potus is doing (for perpetual sustenance), making the US fully self supportive domestically, if not as Potus has stated China would eventually have all the gold. Gold standard would effectively punish countries that maintain a trade deficit to a large degree.
anons please chime in!!!
it seems to be Habbening!